Togetherness in Independence: SEI Holds Centralized Flag Ceremony with DEFEND ID
Bandung (17/08/24), In order to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the Board of Directors and all employees of PT Surya Energi Indotama participated in the flag ceremony held centrally by Holding DEFEND ID at the Apron Hangar Delivery Center of PT Dirgantara Indonesia.
The ceremony began at 07.00 WIB which began with the raising of the red and white flag by the ceremony officer. An atmosphere full of solemnity and pride was felt filling the hangar area which is usually used for company operational activities.
President Director of PT Len Industri (Persero), Bobby Rasyidin as the parent of Holding DEFEND ID acted as the Inspector of the Ceremony. In his speech, Bobby emphasized the meaning of independence in the modern era. "Freedom is not only free from colonizers, but also includes the freedom to develop, create and innovate for a better future," he said.
He continued, "The challenges faced today are no less great than in the past. In the era of globalization and technological advancement, we are faced with increasingly tight competition in the fields of economy, education, and socio-culture. Therefore, we must adapt, improve our quality, and work hard to keep this independence meaningful for future generations."
This event is not only a momentum to remember past struggles but also a reminder for all employees to continue to innovate and contribute to the progress of the nation amidst global competition. Not only that, all employees who attended showed high enthusiasm in commemorating this historic day, which also emphasized the commitment to the progress and sustainability of the company.
The spirit of independence built on this day is expected to continue to inspire and motivate all employees to give their best in every aspect of their lives and work.