Board of Commissioners Visit to Kanzy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project
Pasuruan (8/6/23), After the implementation of the COD of the Kanzy Mini Power Plant (PLTM) Project in April, the Board of Commissioners together with the BOD of PT Surya Energi Indotama carried out a monitoring and evaluation (monev) agenda for the implementation of the performance of the 2.5 MW PLTM.
During his visit, Indarto Pamoengkas as Commissioner of PT Surya Energi Indotama is also the Director of Finance, Risk Management and HR of PT Len Industri (Persero) gave his appreciation and input to maximize the utilization of the performance of the Kanzy PLTM.
The group was received by the Project Leader, Madhan Wisnu and his team. During the review of the Kanzy PLTM project, several things were conveyed related to progress updates including things that are obstacles in optimizing the PLTM which is a collaborative project with PT Kanz Capital, including problems caused by garbage and mud carried to the sandtrap area, waste, and others caused by natural factors and weather.
The project built in the Gunung Baung Nature Tourism Park (TWA) area, Cowek Village, Pasuruan, East Java is estimated to be able to produce 15,713,765 KWH of energy per year.
I Made Sandika as Acting President Director of PT Surya Energi Indotama who on that occasion was accompanied by Fajar Miftahul Falah, Director of Engineering & Operations also gave a complete appreciation with a comprehensive discussion, his hope that the 2.5 MW Kanzy PLTM can be optimal and provide maximum benefits for the community and the surrounding environment. **