Merak and Bakauheni Ports Will Soon Be Powered by Solar Power!
Cilegon (05/24/22), Not only in office or residential environments, solar power plants (PLTS) are now also starting to be applied in port areas. One of those that applies it is Merak Port in Banten and Bakauheuni in Lampung.
In addition to of course aiming to obtain savings and efficiency of electricity loads in the port environment, the construction of this PLTS is also based on cooperation between BUMN through the BUMN synergy program, related to the utilization and use of EBT in the BUMN environment.
The construction process of this PLTS has begun based on cooperation between PT Indonesia Ferry Properti (PT IFPRO) and PT Surya Energi Indotama (PT SEI) as a subsidiary of BUMN PT Len Industri (Persero). With the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) scheme, the PLTS will be installed on the roof area of the Sosoro Mall Merak Executive Terminal of 324 kwp, and the Anjungan Agung Mall Bakauheuni Executive Terminal of 189 kwp with a total capacity of 513 kwp.
For PT SEI, this project is one of the achievements as a developer in the solar energy sector. The transformation of PT SEI, which previously played a large role as an EPC, will continue to develop into a solar energy developer company that has good capabilities and quality. Until now, the progress of the PLTS construction is still ongoing. It is hoped that by the end of May 2022, all PLTS can be installed so that several facilities at the Merak and Bakauheni Port Executive Terminals can immediately be powered by solar power. This is part of how we support the use of more environmentally friendly clean energy and reduce carbon emissions on our earth. (**)