Expanding Energy Sustainability Education, PT SEI and LenSOLAR Present Booth Stand at the 2022 Indonesia Kirana Exhibition in Jakarta and Bandung
Jakarta, (05/31/22) - As a company engaged in renewable energy, PT SEI continues to strive to maximize the dissemination of information about the importance of energy sustainability in the use of PLTS. This led PT SEI to open a booth stand with LenSolar at the Jakarta Arts Building (GKJ) at the 2022 Indonesia Kirana Pre-Competition Concert.
The event was a concert by the Padjadjaran University Student Choir (PSM Unpad) as part of their departure for the European Grand Prix For Choral Singing competition in mid-June. The activity, which was attended by more than 300 spectators, became a potential for SEI to be able to disseminate information about PLTS as a total solution for the community.
At the available booth stand, visitors were presented with information about installing Rooftop PLTS at home which is useful for saving electricity. LenSOLAR also provides a special promo for visitors to the Indonesia Kirana Pagelaran in the form of a 15% discount and 0% installments with a 12-month tenor.
The large number of spectators who attended was also supported by various groups and different backgrounds, so that it became a positive value for PT SEI to increase the target segmentation of education. The presence of PT SEI in this activity is certainly a form of support for PSM Unpad friends to continue to advance to make Indonesia proud. SEI realizes that young people are the successors of the nation, all forms of support for them will be very meaningful for the sustainability of the nation's generation.
Seeing the enthusiasm of the visitors to the event, PT SEI together with LenSOLAR will be present on June 3 to reopen the booth stand at the 2022 Indonesia Kirana Pre-Competition concert which will be held at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Padjadjaran University, Bandung. Don't forget to watch the Indonesia Kirana Event and visit the PT SEI booth stand with LenSOLAR!