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Zero Investment Scheme Increasingly Popular, SEI and Polyfin Sign PLTS Developer Contract

Zero Investment Scheme Increasingly Popular, SEI and Polyfin Sign PLTS Developer Contract

SUMEDANG – In accordance with SEI's ambition in 2022 to transform and develop its business towards a PLTS developer, SEI and PT Polyfin Canggih have signed a PLTS installation contract with a Developer scheme with a capacity of 3.6 MWp which is planned to be installed at the PT Polyfin Canggih factory in Sumedang Regency, West Java.

This signing was carried out by Jap Sun Hwei as Director of PT Polyfin Canggih and Bambang Iswanto as President Director of PT Surya Energi Indotama, which was symbolically represented by Krisna Aditya as GM Marketing of SEI. The signing process was also witnessed by several representatives of each company, including Nurjani as Retail Manager of SEI, Dyla Nadya and Ari Dachyar as Marketing staff of SEI, and Dadan Wihendar, Hendra Harjono, and Suganda Permana from PT Polyfin Canggih.

In this developer scheme, SEI becomes an investor and also a developer in the installation of Rooftop Solar Power Plants (PLTS) at PT Polyfin Canggih of 3.6 MWp which can still potentially grow to 6 MWp. The Zero Investment Scheme offered by SEI is actually increasingly in demand by the public after previously SEI also collaborated with IFPRO in the installation of PLTS at the Merak and Bakauheni Executive Terminals. Through this scheme, industry can enjoy the benefits of PLTS without having to spend money up front. All burdens are borne by SEI as the PLTS Developer, and beneficiaries only need to pay for the benefits of electricity production every month with electricity rates that are lower than conventional electricity.

Hendra Harjono from the Polyfin representative said that with the installation of PLTS with a capacity of 3.6 MWp, it is hoped that significant savings can be obtained, coupled with the zero investment system from the developer scheme that makes it easier for Polyfin.

"Other industrial sectors are expected to support this EBT Movement by installing PLTS, because our abundant solar energy would be a shame if it was not utilized," said Hendra.

The signing of this contract is a form of continuation of PT Polyfin's visit to PT Len Industri (Persero) to review the solar module fabrication and to SEI in order to discuss the plan for cooperation in installing PLTS on September 9, 2022. After a long process, finally PT Polyfin Canggih, which is one of the largest companies in the convection sector in Indonesia, has given SEI the trust to develop the use of PLTS together. With this collaboration, the installation of PLTS at Polyfin will become SEI's largest portfolio in the installation of Rooftop PLTS with the Developer scheme.

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PT Surya Energi Indotama

PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) was established on December 6, 2007, and was taken over as a subsidiary of PT Len Industri (Persero) on January 14, 2009.