Month: October 2021
Innovation in the Use of Solar Panels in Urban Agriculture Concepts
Bandung, (14/10/2021) The Bandung City Food Security and Agriculture Service inaugurated the Sustainable Food Yard (P2L), Horticultural Inflation Mitigation Action (AMIH) and Bandung Tanam Volume III which took place in the courtyard of the Riyadhul Jannah Mosque, De Marrakesh Complex, Rancasari District, Bandung City.
The event which was attended by the Mayor of Bandung also became a moment to launch a renewable technology called Solar Farming which functions as a planting process in this case watering at the Urban Farming location.
This technology is fully supported by PT Surya Energi Indotama where the solar panels used have a hybrid system and are controlled via an inverter and a 220Volt output battery. The power generated from the PLTS is used to drive the pump and distribute water to the plants.
In this case, the Mayor of Bandung Oded M. Danial greatly appreciates the use of this renewable technology as the use of Urban Farming and hopes that in the future many other groups will also implement the use of this solar power technology as a common need.
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First Generation Solar Kit, A Cost-Saving Solution for Electricity at Home
As a company that has long been engaged in renewable energy and to answer the challenges of contributing to the renewable energy sector, PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) innovates by launching its newest product, namely the First Generation Solar Kit or Solar Kit 1st Gen.
This solar kit is a PLTS On Grid or connected to the PLN network, with a working system that utilizes solar energy which is converted into electrical energy, to be used during the day.
President Director of PT SEI Bambang Iswanto explained that the combination of solar panels, micro inverters, and hydraulic frames makes it easy for consumers to install solar panels independently. And produce more energy at a more economical cost.
The solar panels used are produced by PT Len Industri (Persero), the parent company of PT SEI. Meanwhile, PT Len Industri is a technology-based state-owned company engaged in defense technology, railway transportation, renewable energy PLTS, and ICT and navigation.
"This product is an alternative solution to save electricity costs at home. The advantages of this product are that it is easy to install, safe to install anywhere, and can also be moved as needed," said Bambang in a written statement, Monday (11/10/2021).
This product is also waterproof with a Protection Index of 65, has a frame that can be adjusted in height to avoid puddles, and has an energy monitoring system through the smart adapter provided.
Bambang further said, for one unit of the First Generation Solar Kit product, PT SEI applies a launch price of IDR 6,999,999 to IDR 5,999,999. The launch period price is valid from October 10, 2021 to October 16, 2021.
"Purchases of this product can be made through the marketplace and website with a pre-order system," said Bambang.
Bambang hopes that the presence of this compact and economical PLTS product can be an alternative solution for people who want to try using and switching to cleaner energy starting with small capacities.
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More Economical, Urban Farming in Bandung Uses Solar Cells
Bandung – Solar power technology is starting to become popular as seen in urban farming land in Rancasari, Bandung City. More economical, guys…
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Sophisticated Euy! Urban Farming in Bandung Uses Solar Energy
Bandung – Sophisticated, man! That word describes the farming process in Buaruan Sehat Alami Ekonomis (SAE) P2L Riyadhul Jannah which is located in Demarekesh Housing, Derwati, Rancasari District, Bandung City.
It does not require many Human Resources (HR) in this urban farming location, everything uses technology, from watering vegetables which is controlled using a cellphone and can be done remotely, to the electricity source used using solar cells or called solar farming.
By using this renewable technology, the farming process in this urban farming location is more efficient and environmentally friendly. In addition, it can save the national electricity supply.
The solar farming technology applied in this urban farming location is in collaboration with PT Surya Energi Indotama or a subsidiary of PT Len.
"We collaborate with technological improvements that work with PT Len and several experts from residents who have scientific specifications and apply them in agriculture," said DKM Riyadhul Jannah Mosque, Aston to detikcom, Thursday (10/14/2021).
"In the past, agriculture was just hoeing and everyone could do it. But how can technology be applied so that it gives the impression that we call it smart farming," he added.
Aston said, just by holding a mobile phone, the electricity network that uses solar cells and watering vegetables can be done, even remotely as long as our mobile phone is connected to the internet network.
"Smart farming is a delivery using technology, coincidentally what we have implemented is watering and utilizing electrical energy resources, which we usually use PLN, now using a renewal, namely solar panels," he said.
Aston said, there are many advantages to using this solar cell, one of which is the efficiency of electrical energy.
"The advantage is the efficiency of power usage, which we have been using PLN electricity, we can save without using PLN power. Economical in power usage," he said.
However, with the area of urban farming in the mosque location, according to him, there must be 5 solar cells installed to meet its electricity needs.
"Producing 250 watts, ideally the capacity of all of these is 5 panels, because this is just a prototype in terms of implementing this technology, it can be appropriate, we are only using it with a limited scope, after the application can be tested, if this is successful we will cooperate with PT Len to increase its power, now one is only for watering within a radius of 20 meters, while we have 200 meters left and right," he explained.
Indra Budi Utomo, one of PT Len's mentors for this urban farming location, said that the source of electricity used for automatic watering comes from solar energy.
"The solar panels here are a hybrid system, all controlled through a solar power inverter, entering the inverter and conditioned to enter the battery bank, now from the battery bank there is a 220 volt output. This is used to drive the pump, there are two pumps from the reservoir pond to the tower and from the tower to the booster pump to distribute water," said Indra.
Indra said, the electricity source generated from solar cells is more economical compared to using PLN electricity.
"This is more economical than using PLN cables, this can be applied anywhere for its users. This can be an example, we utilize the regency pool and use this green energy technology," he said.
Indra also said, there is no need to worry if the weather is cloudy because there is a battery bank so there is a source of electricity stored.
"If it's not hot, for example like this we have a battery bank safety factor of 1.2 KW, where the pump itself has a capacity of 250 watts, while for watering a maximum of one hour, meaning that from the battery itself it can last for 2-3 days to run for one hour per day, for example today it's cloudy but the battery was charged yesterday, this is no problem," he explained.
The application of technology at the urban farming location was appreciated by the Mayor of Bandung Oded M Danial.
"That's what I'm very proud of, because it was born and realized from the idea of Bandung City residents who are technology literate and carried out directly in their respective areas," said Oded.
Oded asked other Nandung City residents to apply the use of technology at their urban farming locations.
"I hope this can be replicated in other areas, so that Bandung can become a city, even though Bandung is a metropolitan city but its urban farming affairs are cool," he concluded.
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Using Len’s Solar Panels, PT SEI Launches 1st Gen Solar Kit
BANDUNG, GE – One of the renewable energy mixes that has great potential is Solar Power Plants (PLTS). In addition to easy installation and lower investment costs, it has increased public interest in installing PLTS from year to year.
Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in 2018, the construction of PLTS installed on rooftops was still at 1.52 MWp and experienced a significant increase. Until June 2021, it reached 35.56 MWp within 3 years.
Of the total development of PLTS installations, household customers have the largest portion, namely 3,300 customers. Therefore, public interest in switching to Solar Power Plants (PLTS) continues to increase.
Seeing this, it is a challenge for PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI).
Bambang Iswanto, President Director of PT SEI explained, as a long-standing company engaged in renewable energy, PT SEI is innovating by launching its newest product, the First Generation Solar Kit or Solar Kit 1st Gen.
'This solar kit is an On-Grid PLTS or connected to the PLN network, with a working system that utilizes solar energy which is converted into electrical energy, to be used during the day,' he explained Monday (11/10/2021).
The combination of solar panels, micro inverters and hydraulic frames makes it easy for consumers to install solar panels independently, producing more energy at a more economical cost.
The solar panels used are produced by PT Len Industri (Persero), the parent company of PT SEI.
'This product is an alternative solution to save electricity costs at home. The advantages of this product are that it is easy to install, safe to install anywhere and can also be moved as needed, "he added.
Per 1 unit of the First Generation Solar Kit product, it is priced from IDR 6,999,999 to IDR 5,999,999. *
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Kominfo Collaborates with 3 Companies to Build Solar Powered BTS in West Papua
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) is collaborating with the Lintas Arta-Huawei-SEI Consortium to build 4G Base Tranceiver Stations (BTS) in the Underdeveloped, Frontier, Outermost (3T) areas in Papua Province and West Papua Province. This step is an effort to develop and accelerate digital transformation to create equal access to communication throughout Indonesia.
"With the presence of 4G BTS, it is certainly expected to encourage accelerated development in these areas. The community can make the best use of access to information in a more open and better life so that it will improve welfare," said President Director of PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI), Bambang Iswanto, through his written statement, Sunday (10/10).
PT SEI is a subsidiary of PT Len Industri (Persero) which specifically operates in the PLTS development business. Meanwhile, Len Industri is a technology-based company engaged in defense technology, rail transportation, new renewable energy, ICT and navigation.
PT SEI is involved in the construction of all BTS in Papua and West Papua. In addition, PT SEI also acts as a Tower and Power Service Provider (TOPO) for predetermined locations.
In the period of 2021-2022, PT SEI together with the Lintas Arta Consortium and Huawei were tasked with realizing 1,795 4G BTS Towers. It is targeted that 954 tower construction locations will be completed by the end of 2021. Meanwhile, for 2022, 841 village point locations are targeted for completion.
As a company engaged in Renewable Energy, PT SEI also builds Off Grid PLTS with a capacity of 4.5 kWp to 4.95 kWp at each site to support Power Supply for telecommunication supporting devices. This PLTS is also a solution for areas that have not been reached by PLN.
"The role of PLTS here is very vital considering that electricity access in the blankspot area is very difficult. Here, PLTS also plays a role as one of the sources of New Renewable Energy making the 4G BTS built environmentally friendly and efficient," said Bambang. "The design of the PLTS built for this 4G BTS is also to ensure that the supply of electrical energy to the device can be carried out continuously so that communication services can continue to be carried out fully for 24 hours a day," he added. Regarding the management and maintenance of the 4G BTS sites, it will be managed by the Network Operation Center (NOC) at PT SEI. The performance and availability of these sites will be monitored for 7x24 hours. If a problem occurs on site, the NOC monitor will notify the relevant consortium to immediately make repairs in the field.
549 BTS Spread Across 7 Districts of West Papua
Specifically for the West Papua region, to date, the construction of 4G BTS has been carried out with a total of 545 VSAT sites spread across 7 regencies, including Maybarat, Raja Ampat, Sorong, South Sorong, Tambrauw, Teluk Bintuni, and Teluk Wondama. "In this case, SEI is a company that has extensive experience in overcoming energy source and construction constraints in the 3T area, together with other Consortium members (Lintas Arta and Huawei) of course making us a solid consortium in carrying out the tasks given by the state through BAKTI Kominfo," he explained. As a direct 4G device trial step, also present were BAKTI Infrastructure Director Bambang Noegroho and Lintas Arta representative Alfi Asman, Huawei Indonesia CEO Jacky Chen, and PT SEI Technical & Operational Director Fajar M. Falah who attended the Video Conference at one of the 4G BTS locations in Iseren Village, Teluk Wondama Regency.
The inauguration of 4G BTS in the Papua and West Papua Provinces, which was carried out virtually via Video Conference, was also attended by the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G. Plate, accompanied by the President Director of BAKTI Kominfo Anang Latief, the Governor of West Papua, the Regent of Teluk Wondama, the Regent of Tambrauw, and the leaders of the Lintas Arta Consortium - Huawei Technologies - PT SEI. (source: www.
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Visit of Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to PT. Len Industri (Persero)
Bandung (09/09/2021) – Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives conducted a specific working visit to PT. Len Industri (Persero) which was also attended by the Director General of ILMATE of the Ministry of Industry and the Director General of EBTKE of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. In this case, PT. Surya Energi Indonesia as a subsidiary of PT. Len Industri (Persero) which is engaged in the field of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) was also present to accompany.
This visit was filled with presentations and discussions related to the development of the solar cell manufacturing industry as well as an on-site review of the solar module fabrication made by PT. Len Industri (Persero).
One form of support from Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives in the field of renewable energy is the presence of member Dyah Roro Esti who has used rooftop PLTS from LenSOLAR products owned by PT. Surya Energi Indotama.
Until the end of 2020, the national installed PLTS capacity was still less than 200MWp. Of that amount, PT. Len Industri together with PT. Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) has contributed to installing solar power systems of 42.6 MWp or around 24% of the total installed.
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Handover of Sacrificial Animal Assistance for the Community Around PT. Surya Energi Indotama
Bandung (19/07/2021) – Monday, PT. Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) handed over sacrificial animal assistance to the community around Kebon Lega Village, Bojongloa Kidul District, Bandung City.
In order to welcome Eid al-Adha 1441H which falls on July 20, 2021, PT. Surya Energi Indotama handed over assistance in the form of one cow to the Jammi Miftahurrahman Mosque and Ar-Rahim Mosque in Kebon Lega Village.
The handover of the sacrificial animal was carried out by Mr. Fajar Miftahul Falah (Director of Engineering and Operations), Mr. I Made Sandika Dwiantara (Director of Marketing and Business Development), and also Mr. Fian Grafiana Daud (General Manager of HR/General Affairs) to representatives of the Kebon Lega Village community, namely Mrs. Lisna as Head of RT001 / RW004.
By handing over the sacrificial animal assistance, hopefully it can help the surrounding community during the pandemic like now, and also be a blessing for PT. Surya Energi Indotama.
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Signing of EPC Contract for Development of Bayu Hydroelectric Power Plant
Banyuwangi, 05/20/2021 PT. Surya Energi Indotama represented directly by the President Director, Mr. Bambang Iswanto and also PT. Wahana Energi Sejahtera represented by the Director, Mr. Jacob Tedjakusuma signed the EPC contract for the construction of the 2 x 1.80 mW Bayu Mini-Hydro Power Plant (PLTM). This construction is planned to be carried out in approximately 2 years.
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Halal Bihalal PT. Surya Energi Indotama
Bandung, 05/17/21 PT. Surya Energi Indotama held a Halal Bihalal with the board of directors and all employees. This activity was carried out on the first day of work which was also still in the atmosphere of Eid al-Fitr 1442 H. In his brief remarks, Mr. Bambang Iswanto as the President Director of PT. Surya Energi Indotama conveyed the government's prohibition on going home to protect the people around us and also to continue to comply with health protocols wherever we are. This Halal Bihalal activity was carried out in the solar farm area and went smoothly.