Month: May 2022
Cool! The Public is Enthusiastic to Follow LenSOLAR’s Live Streaming and Business Talkshow with PRFM Bandung
Bandung, (05/30/22) - In order to increase understanding of the PLTS trend among urban communities, LenSOLAR in collaboration with PRFM held a Business Talkshow with the theme "New Trends in Solar Energy for Urban Communities" which was conducted via live streaming on Instagram and @prfmnews, as well as on air on 107.5 FM on Monday (05/30), at 08.00-09.00 WIB.
I Made Sandika Dwiantara as the Director of Marketing and Business Development was the main speaker who explained how the use of PLTS is starting to become a trend among urban people. "In 2021-2022, it can be said that the (solar energy) industry is sunrise. With the issues and now we are hosting the G20 related to energy sustainability, it is easier for us to penetrate the use of PLTS. Currently, it is quite easy to invite people to switch to solar energy. The majority are in urban areas," said Made.
Although the talk show was broadcasted in the morning, the enthusiasm of PRFM listeners and Instagram live streaming was very high. Questions were asked one after another, making the talk show hosted by Donna as the PRFM announcer at that time even more exciting and full of information. Starting from questions about the integration system with conventional electricity, the land needed for the installation of PLTS, to the price list and promos offered. Several PRFM listeners also expressed their interest in using solar power as a solution to saving electricity in urban areas.
With this talk show, PT SEI together with LenSOLAR hopes that the public will be more confident in switching to using new renewable energy. For people who already have the intention to apply solar power in their homes, this talk show is a means of introducing the company to the public to become partners in the vision of saving energy and reducing carbon emissions in our environment. (**)
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Merak and Bakauheni Ports Will Soon Be Powered by Solar Power!
Cilegon (05/24/22), Not only in office or residential environments, solar power plants (PLTS) are now also starting to be applied in port areas. One of those that applies it is Merak Port in Banten and Bakauheuni in Lampung.
In addition to of course aiming to obtain savings and efficiency of electricity loads in the port environment, the construction of this PLTS is also based on cooperation between BUMN through the BUMN synergy program, related to the utilization and use of EBT in the BUMN environment.
The construction process of this PLTS has begun based on cooperation between PT Indonesia Ferry Properti (PT IFPRO) and PT Surya Energi Indotama (PT SEI) as a subsidiary of BUMN PT Len Industri (Persero). With the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) scheme, the PLTS will be installed on the roof area of the Sosoro Mall Merak Executive Terminal of 324 kwp, and the Anjungan Agung Mall Bakauheuni Executive Terminal of 189 kwp with a total capacity of 513 kwp.
For PT SEI, this project is one of the achievements as a developer in the solar energy sector. The transformation of PT SEI, which previously played a large role as an EPC, will continue to develop into a solar energy developer company that has good capabilities and quality. Until now, the progress of the PLTS construction is still ongoing. It is hoped that by the end of May 2022, all PLTS can be installed so that several facilities at the Merak and Bakauheni Port Executive Terminals can immediately be powered by solar power. This is part of how we support the use of more environmentally friendly clean energy and reduce carbon emissions on our earth. (**)
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Kunjungi PT Len, Pemerintah Zimbabwe Kembali Jajaki Kerja Sama di Bidang Energi Tenaga Surya
Bandung, (20/05/22) Zimbabwe's Vice President and Minister of Health and Child Protection, Constantino Chiwenga, visited PT Len Industri (Persero) on Friday (20/05). Accompanied by Zimbabwe's Minister of Land, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water & Settlement Hon. J. Masuka, Zimbabwe's Ambassador to Indonesia Shofia Nyamudeza, Indonesian Ambassador to Zimbabwe HE Dewa Made Juniarta Sastrawan, and other delegates, the group intended to explore potential cooperation with PT Len's subsidiaries, namely PT LRS in the field of railway technology and PT SEI in the field of solar energy.
This visit is the second time that the Zimbabwean Government has explored cooperation, especially in the field of solar energy. Zimbabwe's Ambassador to Indonesia Shofia Nyamudeza visited PT Len in 2020 accompanied by the President Director of PT Surya Energi Indotama (PT SEI), Bambang Iswanto, in a discussion on the potential for cooperation in the construction of PLTS in Zimbabwe. In fact, in 2019, PT SEI had conducted a survey in Zimbabwe to explore the cooperation.
Director of Marketing & Business Development of PT SEI, I Made Sandika, in his presentation before the visiting delegation explained how PT SEI can provide products, services and Off Grid & On Grid PV System Solar Power Plants (PLTS), Hybrid PV System and others.
"Since 2019, PT SEI has initiated collaboration with Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC), Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA), Rural Electrification Fund (REF), and Ministry of Energy and Power Development (MoEPD)," Made added.
In addition to overcoming the energy crisis, the presence of PLTS is also being eyed by the Minister of Defense, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water & Settlement of Zimbabwe, Hon J. Masuka to create an integrated farming system with the procurement of solar-powered water pumps. This was explained by Dewa Made as the Indonesian Ambassador to Zimbabwe.
"They want to create an integrated farming system. After preparing tractors and agricultural tools, because the water conditions there are also quite difficult, they want to create a water pump that uses solar energy as its energy source."
PT SEI is always ready for all cooperation opportunities, both as an EPC and Developer. This is in accordance with the tagline and spirit of PT SEI this year, namely "Transformation To Be Future Developer". PT SEI is also able to expand its business portfolio abroad for the progress and existence of the company. At the end of the visit, the delegation of guests also directly reviewed the production facilities at PT Len Industri, starting from railway signaling system electronics to solar module fabrication which has a production capacity of 71 MWp/year. (**)
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PT SRI’s Breakthrough in Building an Ice Maker and Cold Storage Factory in Collaboration with the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Government
(South Bangka, 10/05/22) Groundbreaking for the Construction of a Solar-Powered Ice Maker and Cold Storage Factory which is a collaboration between the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Government and PT Surya Energi Indotama (PT SEI) has been held. Taking place in Tukak Sadai, South Bangka Regency, this event was attended by the Deputy Governor of the Bangka Belitung Islands Drs. Abdul Fatah, Representatives of the South Bangka Regency Government, PT SEI as an investor, Forkopimda, Bumdes, village officials, and representatives of fishermen from 5 surrounding villages.
At the event, Abdul Fatah placed sand material as a symbol of the start of construction. With him, Bambang Iswanto as President Director of PT SEI, Musani as Deputy Chairman of the South Bangka Regency DPRD, Haris Setiawan as Representative of the South Bangka Regency Government, and Joko Isnawan as the South Bangka Police Chief also took part in the symbolic procession.
"This (development) is a hope for the economic progress of the community, especially in Tukak Sadai Village," said Abdul Fatah.
The construction of the Solar-Powered Ice Maker and Cold Storage Factory is one of the answers to the problems of fishermen in Bangka Belitung, especially Tukak Sadai. The limited freshness of fish, shrimp, or other sea catches occurs because the need for ice or cooling is not met in the temporary storage process or shipping. Fishermen are also unable to sell their catch to further areas or store their catch for longer.
With the availability of more ice from the Ice Maker Factory, fishermen can use it to maintain the freshness of their catch. Moreover, the demand for ice for fishermen in Tukak Sadai, which is predicted to be the second highest village contributing to fish catches in Bangka, has only been met by 28 tons of the need for around 80 tons/day.
This development has been initiated jointly by the provincial government and PT SEI. As a company that has a vision as a solution to community problems, PT SEI, which is also a subsidiary of PT Len Industri (Persero) and part of the Defense Industry BUMN Holding DEFEND ID, is ready to be part of the solution.
In addition to being able to contribute to meeting the needs of ice and cooling for fishermen's catches in Bangka Belitung, this Solar-Powered Ice Maker and Cold Storage Factory is also able to answer the need for clean energy and reduce carbon emissions from the installed PLTS.
"This is a really good and excellent development condition. We use New Renewable Energy with solar power. "Hopefully today's Ground Break will become a reality tomorrow and the day after, and will be beneficial for us," said Abdul Fatah in his speech.
Tukak Sadai in South Bangka Regency will be a pilot project for the construction of an Ice Maker and Cold Storage Factory which does not rule out the possibility of being built in other villages. "This is an example of how to build an ice maker and cold storage into one integrated unit. Of course, if after this we do it, it is possible that this implementation will be carried out in other areas," said Bambang Iswanto in his speech.
The Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Government has high hopes that development like this will continue and become a trigger for other areas as an effort to improve the economy of the surrounding community. For PT SEI, there is great hope that this development can be a new step in how the company can provide solutions for the community.
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The Spirit of Togetherness Through Breaking the Fast Together at PT SEI
Bandung, (22/4/22) - As a form of excitement in the month of Ramadan, PT Surya Energi Indotama (PT SEI) held a Breaking Fast (Bukber) activity held for all employees. The Bukber activity was carried out internally as a reminder for all employees to always be grateful for togetherness in this holy month.
PT SEI's Bukber was opened with Tilawah and Sari Tilawah performed by PT SEI employees, namely Ilyas and Nindya. This activity was continued with remarks from PT SEI's President Director Bambang Iswanto, "This activity can be a moment of togetherness, because the most important thing is our togetherness. Our gratitude can be manifested through this togetherness."
On this occasion of the month of Ramadan, PT SEI also participated in holding the Ramadhan Singing Competition with more than 120 participants. The winners of the Ramadhan Singing Competition were invited to the Bukber event as a form of appreciation as well as to enliven the PT SEI Bukber event.
The atmosphere of Bukber PT SEI was felt so solemn with Tausyiah from Ust. Muhammad Ishak, "This is our opportunity and a valuable moment for us. This month is a month that teaches love in togetherness."
Although the Bukber activity was carried out for internal employees, PT SEI still carried out social service activities through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by providing assistance to 6 orphanages as a form of concern that was symbolically handed over to representatives of the Al-Fadhila Orphanage.
PT SEI believes that togetherness is the key to the company's success. PT SEI will continue to support each other to achieve the company's common goals.