Month: July 2022
SEI and Prima Powertek Niaga Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of New and Renewable Energy
BANDUNG – As an effort to develop business and cooperation in the field of Renewable Energy, PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) and PT Prima Powertek Niaga have officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two companies. The signing of the MoU was carried out by Bambang Iswanto as President Director of SEI, and Yoo Won Kyu as President Director of PT Prima Powertek Niaga.
The purpose of this cooperation is to implement various Solar Power Plant (PLTS) development programs in several strategic locations both domestically and abroad, as well as other renewable energy projects. In his presentation, President Director of PT Prima Powertek Niaga Yoo Won Kyu conveyed the potential for PLTS development that can be carried out together. For that, Bambang Iswanto as President Director of SEI welcomed the potential.
At the signing ceremony held at the SEI Office, Hanantyo as President Commissioner of PT Prima Powertek Niaga was also present. Meanwhile, from SEI, I Made Sandika as Director of Marketing and Business Development, and Fajar Miftahul Falah as Director of Engineering and Operations were also present.
Both companies have high hopes of carrying out joint projects that can be mutually beneficial, especially in the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) and Financing aspects which are no less important in a project. The cooperation is carried out for 1 year and can be extended according to mutual agreement.
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To Create a Competent Emergency Response Team, SEI Holds Fire and Work Accident Handling Training
BANDUNG - The HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) Team of PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) conducted Work Accident/First Aid (P3K) Training on Wednesday (13/07) and Fire Disaster Management on Thursday (14/07) with participants representing employees from each department. The training was led directly by the Bandung PMI Team and the Bandung City Fire Department Team.
This training aims to provide knowledge related to emergency response when a work accident or fire occurs in the SEI environment, as well as being able to conduct simulations if this happens. Training participants are also expected to be able to provide a brief explanation to each division regarding the correct emergency response attitude, as well as become a competent emergency response team in the SEI environment.
The training event began with the presentation of materials and theories. Next is practice, both in terms of providing assistance to victims of work accidents and procedures for using APAR (Light Fire Extinguishers) when a fire occurs. At the end of the session, a fire simulation was also carried out involving all SEI employees.
In this case, through the HSE Team, PT Surya Energi Indotama as a subsidiary of PT Len Industri (Persero) which is also one of the pioneering companies in the development of EBT is committed to maintaining the safety and security of all SEI employees.
"This training is certainly an effort to improve employee competence by providing an understanding of emergency response during work accidents, fires, the use of light fire extinguishers (APAR), and being able to conduct simulations as preparation for when the actual event occurs," said Gintang Sulung as the SEI HSE Team.
Gintang also said that from this training, it is hoped that employees can implement the knowledge gained well to minimize the impact or losses that occur, and make work safety a shared part of SEI employees. This is certainly in accordance with Law Number 1 of 1970 concerning Work Safety.
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Collaboration Between BUMN Subsidiaries, SEI and IFPRO Install PLTS at Merak and Bakauheuni Executive Terminals
Cilegon (8/7/2022) – Sosoro Merak Executive Terminal and Anjungan Agung Bakauheuni have now been integrated with electrical energy from solar panels or solar power. Indonesia Ferry Properti (IFRPO) as a subsidiary of ASDP which is the provider and manager of Sosoro Merak Executive Terminal and Anjungan Agung Bakauheuni has installed a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) from PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI).
IFPRO categorizes this environmental-based management as a form of using New Renewable Energy (EBT). Solar panels at the Sosoro Merak Executive Terminal and Anjungan Agung Bakauheuni are examples of the use of EBT as a form of environmental concern. This installation is a collaboration between IFPRO and SEI, both of which are BUMN subsidiaries, as a form of collaboration in the form of environmental care and support for government programs in achieving net zero commitments by 2060.
"The collaboration in utilizing PLTS between IFPRO and SEI is a form of synergy and collaboration between 2 BUMN subsidiaries. The installation of this PLTS shows a joint commitment to support environmental, social and corporate governance-based businesses / Environmental Social Governance (ESG) which has been improved from year to year. Hopefully this collaboration will have a positive impact in supporting the government's efforts to achieve net zero emission commitments by 2060," said I Made Sandika as Director of Marketing and Business Development of SEI.
The solar energy installed at the IFPRO Executive Terminal uses the On Grid PLTS system. In this system, the PLTS remains connected to the PLN electricity network. The energy generated from the solar panels will be converted by the inverter from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) which can be used directly for electricity needs. The installed panel capacity is 324 kWp at the Sosoro Merak Executive Terminal, and 189 KWp at the Anjungan Agung Bakauheuni Executive Terminal.
The collaboration between IFPRO and SEI has a Build Operate Transfer (BOT) scheme. With this scheme, SEI will build and finance the entire solar panel installation and has the right to be used by IFPRO during the 20-year usage contract period. After 20 years, the solar panels will be handed over as IFPRO assets. In this way, IFPRO does not incur any investment costs for installing solar panels at all (zero capex). On the other hand, IFPRO can save electricity costs with a certain agreed efficiency value.
Ferry Snyders as the President Director of IFPRO stated that this program will provide many benefits, both in terms of operational finance and the environment.
"With this cooperation pattern, IFPRO benefits comprehensively because in addition to financial and economic savings on operational costs and does not require investment costs, IFPRO also has a positive impact on the environment in the form of reduced emissions because it has switched to energy sources based on renewable energy," said Ferry Snyders as the President Director of Indonesia Ferry Property.
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SEI Healthy With AAA Score, PT Len Industri (Persero) Gives Appreciation
Bandung, (30/06/2022) – PT Surya Energi Indotama as a subsidiary of PT Len Industri (Persero) on Thursday held a GMS (General Meeting of Shareholders) together with other subsidiaries at the office of PT Len Industri (Persero) Bandung, West Java.
This meeting was attended directly by Indarto Pamoengkas as Commissioner of SEI, Bambang Iswanto as President Director of SEI, I Made Sandika Dwiantara as Director of Marketing and Business Development, and Fajar Miftahul Falah as Director of Engineering and Operations. In this case, Wahyu Sofiadi, Director of Business and Cooperation of PT Len Industri (Persero) acted as the leader of the GMS event.
PT Surya Energi Indotama submitted its 2021 Performance Report to PT Len Industri (Persero) as the parent holding and majority shareholder.
In 2021, SEI managed to achieve revenue of 1.04 trillion rupiah or 202.07% of the 2021 RKAP target. This achievement was based on contracts obtained for both Carry Over projects and new projects.
Meanwhile, SEI's EBITDA realization was 164.93 billion and its 2021 net profit was 142.58 billion or 299.16% of the 2021 profit target of 47.66 billion.
SEI's achievement in 2021 received appreciation from the Board of Directors of PT Len Industri (Persero) as the majority shareholder and PT Eltran Indonesia as the minority shareholder. Tazar Marta Kurniawan as Technology Director of PT Len Industri (Persero) appreciated the achievements made by SEI during 2021.
"On behalf of the shareholders, we express our appreciation to all levels of the company, especially for the company's performance indicators that were able to achieve the RKAP target and/or increase compared to the previous year," he said.
In general, SEI is able to increase business revenue, EBITDA, CFO, net profit, and also the Company's Health Level with a Healthy AAA score.
Tazar Marta Kurniawan as the Reader of the Responses of the Majority Shareholders at the last GMS also reminded the Board of Commissioners, Directors and company staff in carrying out every activity to continue to be guided by statutory provisions, apply the principles of Good Corporate Governance and risk management consistently, and internalize the core values AKHLAK (Trusted, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, Collaborative) sustainably.