Month: May 2024
Successfully Running CSR Program, SEI Wins Champion in the Highest CSR Awards Event 2024
Jakarta (29/05/24), in running its business, PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) has a social responsibility to the community and stakeholders. SEI is committed to being able to play an active, effective and quality role in implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in accordance with SEI's core business in the field of Renewable Energy which can produce maximum benefits for all parties.
For this dedication, the TOP CSR 2024 award event was held at one of the five-star hotel ballrooms in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta. The event, which is supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, is the highest award event for companies that are considered successful in implementing CSR programs in their activities.
In the award event, SEI was named the winner of TOP CSR 2024 through the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden program and I Made Sandika Dwiantara, SEI's President Director was named the TOP LEADER ON CSR COMMITMENT 2024.
In a speech delivered by the Directorate General (Dirjen) of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control (PPKL) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Sigit Reliantoro said that companies are now required to contribute to sustainable development to minimize negative impacts, which are currently considered not only a global warming crisis but also climate change, which must be addressed in an integrated manner through real company actions, one of which is through the CSR program.
"Sustainable Renewable Energy for Community Welfare", is the goal of SEI's CSR program which focuses on Environment, Social and Government (ESG) as well as sustainable development to improve the welfare of society through 7 CSR pillars, namely education, health, culture, partnerships, public services, the environment and humanitarian assistance for natural disasters.
"The TOP CSR award that SEI has won is a real manifestation of the company's responsibility to the social environment, which has been applied not only to public facilities but also sustainable community empowerment. Currently, SEI's flagship CSR program has been felt by the people of Bandung City with the presence of solar-powered huts at several public facilities and SEI also supports the government's program in urban farming integrated with new renewable energy, which can be enjoyed by the people of the Margahayu area, Bandung City through the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden," Made explained.
Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden is SEI's flagship CSR program that carries the concept of integrated urban farming complete with solar-powered hut facilities. This food garden program also supports the government's program to maintain food security starting from the surrounding environment. The "Jupiter Rahayu" Food Garden is a manifestation of SEI's CSR commitment to maintaining ecosystem sustainability**
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How Long is the Optimal Life of Solar Panels?
Solar panels have become an increasingly popular solution for providing renewable energy for residential, industrial and even remote installations. However, when considering investing in solar panels, one question that often arises is How Long is the Optimal Life of Solar Panels?
Optimal Life of Solar Panels
The optimal life of solar panels before they need significant replacement or repair refers to the period of time during which the panels can produce energy efficiently and their operational costs are paid for. In general, solar panels are designed to last a long time, with an optimal operational life span of around 25 years.
However, certain factors can affect the optimal life span. Here are the factors that affect the optimal life span of solar panels:
- Material Quality:
The quality of the materials used in the manufacture of solar panels can affect their operational life. High-quality solar panels tend to be more durable and maintain their energy efficiency for longer.
- Maintenance:
Proper maintenance can extend the operational life of solar panels. This includes regular cleaning of the panels and monitoring to ensure there is no significant damage or wear.
- Location and Environment:
The environment around the solar panels can also affect their operational life. For example, solar panels that are exposed to direct sunlight will tend to have a longer operational life than those that are frequently exposed to extreme weather or pollution.
- Latest Technology:
Advances in solar panel technology can extend the operational life and increase their efficiency. Newer solar panels often have features that improve their durability and performance over time.
Economic Considerations
Although solar panels are designed to last a long time, owners must consider the economic aspects of the investment. The initial cost of purchasing and installing solar panels must be compared to the potential energy savings that will be generated over the operational life of the panels. In many cases, the initial investment costs can be paid off in the first few years, and solar panels can continue to produce energy with minimal operational costs thereafter. Indirectly, installing solar panels can save users up to 30% of their electricity consumption.
So it can be concluded that …
The optimal life of solar panels is an important factor to consider when deciding to install a solar panel system. With proper maintenance, solar panels can last a long time and provide sustainable renewable energy benefits for years to come. With technology continuing to advance, the operational life of solar panels can be extended even further in the future, making them an attractive investment for the future.
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Successfully Applying Entrepreneurial Marketing, SEI is Ready to Face Global Competition
Jakarta (05/15/24), As an effort to answer the challenges and roles of companies in ensuring long-term sustainability that focuses on economic and social value for Indonesia, SEI was selected as the recipient of the "The Most Promoting Company In Marketing 3.0" Award at the 2024 BUMN Entrepreneurial Marketing Awards event in the BUMN subsidiary category.
Present to receive the award, the Director of Marketing and Business Development, Ridwan Kurnia, who had the opportunity to receive the award directly from one of Indonesia's Marketing Experts, Hermawan Kartajaya, who was accompanied by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Marketing Association Central Senate, Yaya W. Junardy. Hermawan Kartajaya expressed his appreciation for SEI as a BUMN subsidiary that has superior competitiveness that has successfully applied Entrepreneurial Marketing in running the company's business.
Before SEI was determined as the winner in this event, SEI had passed the judging stage consisting of a presentation and question and answer session last March. The material submitted by SEI is considered to be in line with the message of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, who stated that efforts are needed to win global competition with Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. "By winning this award, it is a real manifestation of how companies not only pay attention to products and consumers, but are also aware of the problem of human and technological involvement to support impact towards sustainability. The company's business activities are carried out not only focusing on profit but also encouraging other values; people, planet, partnership and peace so that encouraging public behavior and awareness, especially in the use of new renewable energy, also helps boost public welfare. SEI will continue to contribute to the progress of Indonesia," said Ridwan Kurnia, Director of Marketing and Business Development of SEI. **
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“Jupiter Rahayu” Food Garden, a Manifestation of Sei’s Commitment to the Environment
As a form of corporate responsibility towards society and the environment, SEI supports the urban farming movement, this is the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden which is a form of integrated urban farming.
Transforming one of the empty lands into a productive land that is able to answer the challenges related to food security which is also able to increase the welfare of the surrounding community. Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden not only focuses on plantation businesses but also explores livestock businesses such as catfish and laying hens. As an effort to maintain the environmental ecosystem, the surrounding community is also equipped with the ability to manage household waste through Lodong Sesa Dapur (Loseda) and compost bin facilities which will then change household waste into compost fertilizer used in the Food Garden area.
In line with the company's business, Kebun Pangan Jupiter Rahayu is also equipped with a "Saung Tenaga Surya" facility which is often used as a gathering area for residents. With Saung Tenaga Surya, Kebun Pangan Jupiter Rahayu has quite complete lighting with charging facilities in its Saung.
The development of the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden is considered significant, especially by the SEI Corporate Communication Team, which always accompanies the process of change. The program, which is a special concern of SEI's President Director, I Made Sandika Dwiantara, is one of SEI's leading CSR programs in 2024.
The enthusiasm and perseverance of the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden activist community finally bore sweet fruit. Recently, the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden has entered the harvest period and has succeeded in collecting 30 kg of red onions and 36.5 kg of corn…WOW!!
Starting from the success of the harvest period, the SEI Corporate Communication Team strives to support the big dream of the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden to be better known by the wider community, not only by name but also by the harvest results that can be felt by other communities outside the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden Area. So the Workshop and Sharing Session activity was initiated with the theme "Digital Branding to Support Urban Farming Business Activities" which on that occasion all the people who attended received brief knowledge about the SEI Solar Panel such as its benefits, how it works and maintenance efforts.
The enthusiasm of the community is what will make the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden even more "fragrant", the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden can be a comprehensive educational medium that will support learning in schools. Hopefully the presence of SEI in the Jupiter Rahayu Food Garden program can provide maximum benefits and can motivate its activists to always be active and productive in its management. **
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GAS KEEP GOING, SEI Chosen as Pioneer Solar Energy Company
Jakarta (02/05/24), PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) successfully received an award as A Pioneer Company in Solar Energy Industry in the EPC Company category. SEI successfully received the award based on the assessment results of national electricity and energy experts by considering the company's role in terms of reputation, dedication and professionalism in running its business.
The award ceremony given to figures and companies engaged in the electricity and energy sector was held at the Ballroom of the Mulia Hotel in the Senayan area and was attended by the Director General of EBTKE, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Prof. Dr. Eng. Eniya Listiani Dewi, B.Eng, M.Eng., IPU who in her speech expressed her appreciation to the 45 award-winning companies while also giving her challenge to meet the target of new renewable energy in 2025 which is currently still short of 7 GW and invited all companies present to work together to overcome global problems that occur in Indonesia.
Welcoming it positively, SEI President Director, I Made Sandika Dwiantara expressed his readiness to help expand the company's role so that the target of new renewable energy can be met, "this award is a new spirit for SEI to continue to develop in responding to the challenges of energy problems that occur. SEI's contribution will be real evidence in realizing better and more sustainable energy," said Made.
Congratulations on the award received by SEI were also conveyed by Dr. Ir Herman Darnel Ibrahim, M.Sc., IPU who is the Chairman of the Indonesian Electricity Expert Council. It is hoped that SEI and all stakeholders in the national electricity and energy sector will be able to collaborate in order to form a stronger electricity and energy ecosystem to continue to drive the wheels of the national economy while still paying attention to the environment.**
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World Solar Day and SEI’s Important Role in Sustainable Development
Solar Day is one of the commemoration days that is rarely known by the public. World Solar Day is commemorated every May 3rd every year. The commemoration of Solar Day is a form of campaign for solar energy which is an environmentally friendly and renewable energy.
The commemoration of World Solar Day began with a campaign for the use of environmentally friendly energy which was first initiated on April 22, 1970, coinciding with the first Earth Day initiated by an environmentalist and solar energy observer from the United States named Denis Hayes.
Denis Hayes put forward the idea to be more sensitive to the issue of the use of solar energy for humanity and its benefits. Due to this idea, many people accepted the idea and after 8 years, precisely on May 3, 1978, World Solar Day was first commemorated.
The commemoration of World Solar Day is closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals, especially for the goal of Clean and Affordable Energy. PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI), a pioneer company engaged in renewable energy, has a significant role in realizing the vision of sustainable development, one of which is by continuing to provide information, education, benefits and even innovations regarding the importance of utilizing solar energy widely.
SEI's important role in sustainable development can be felt from various programs that have been implemented, including:
1. Education
In the world of education, SEI contributes to providing education on the development of renewable energy in Indonesia by professional experts through the SEI Mengajar program.
2. Innovation and Technology
In terms of Innovation and Technology, SEI not only produces quality and reliable solar panels, but SEI has also collaborated with the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology (FTI ITB) in research and development to improve the efficiency of solar panels. Therefore, SEI has an important role in encouraging wider adoption of solar panel technology in various sectors, from households to large industries.
3. Reducing Energy Access Inequality
One of the additional benefits felt from the presence of SEI is the community in the Remote, Frontier and Outermost (3T) areas that have not been touched by 24-hour electricity. SEI has installed hundreds of solar power for telecommunications in various regions, one of which is Papua. With this presence, the benefits will be felt equally broadly for the progress of areas in other regions.
4. Reducing Carbon Emissions
SEI's active role in realizing sustainable development is very much felt, as proven by SEI having installed hundreds of solar panel projects in Indonesia with a total capacity of +- 102.39 MWp until 2024, thus SEI has contributed to reducing carbon emissions by +- 106,866 tons of CO2 per year.
SEI and other renewable energy companies play a crucial role in the sustainability of renewable energy, especially solar, and advancing sustainable development globally. On this World Solar Day, we can celebrate our achievements in expanding access to renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions, and driving technological innovation for a brighter and more sustainable future for all.
Happy World Solar Day, We Are Proud to Have SEI!