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Town Hall Meeting Vol 1 2024: Performance Achievements in 2024 and New Formation of SEI 1 Trillion

Town Hall Meeting Vol 1 2024: Performance Achievements in 2024 and New Formation of SEI 1 Trillion

In an atmosphere full of emotion and enthusiasm, the Town Hall Meeting Vol 1 of 2024 which was held in the SEI lounge witnessed an important moment of farewell to one of the pioneer founders of SEI, Mr. Ir. Petrus Tri Bakti Nurharyadi or often known as Tri Bakti who has entered retirement.

In his long journey, Tri Bakti has made a great contribution to advancing the company. Not to forget, the gratitude was conveyed by SEI employees by giving respect in the form of flowers as a sign of farewell. Also attending were President Director I Made Sandika Dwiantara and other directors who gave awards and souvenirs as a sign of gratitude for his dedication so far.

After the farewell moment, the Town Hall Meeting entered the core session with a presentation of the 2023 achievements and strategic plans for 2024. A series of presentations from all levels of directors provided a comprehensive overview of the company's performance achievements and detailed the leading programs that will be implemented in an effort to achieve the big goal.

In one of his remarks, President Director I Made Sandika Dwiantara expressed his hopes for 2024, namely that 2024 would be a brilliant year for SEI. "Active involvement, loyalty, and cooperation from all employees are expected to be the main keys to the company's success." In the same session, great hopes were embedded in the minds of all Town Hall Meeting participants by giving enthusiastic applause.

The series of events then ended with a question and answer session and prayer. Hoping that all the hard work that we have done in the previous year will be a blessing and become a self-reflection so that in 2024 SEI can achieve maximum performance.

As a form of enthusiasm and shared commitment to achieve great success in the future, the event was closed with the echoing of the cheer, namely "SEI 1 Trillion? Gaspool!"

Hopefully this will be a motivator for all SEI employees to face the coming year 2024.

Supporting EBT-Based Electricity Infrastructure, Made Sandika Elected as APAMSI General Chair

Supporting EBT-Based Electricity Infrastructure, Made Sandika Elected as APAMSI General Chair

Jakarta (20/12/23), as a form of support for the government to make the Development of New and Renewable Energy (EBT)-based Electricity Infrastructure a success through the Indonesian Solar Module Manufacturers Association or known as APAMSI held a Sharing Session activity entitled National Solar PV Industry Supports Indonesia's Energy Independence and Resilience, which was continued with the holding of the 3rd APAMSI National Conference.

APAMSI is an association of solar module manufacturing companies founded in 2010, with 14 member companies in Indonesia, one of which is PT Len Industri (Persero) with a total production capacity of around 1 Giga Watt Peak per year. The purpose of APAMSI's establishment is to strengthen the national industry, independence and resilience of Indonesian energy, especially in supporting the Development of Electricity Infrastructure in Indonesia.

The event was attended by the Director General of EBTKE of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, the Director General of ILMATE of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, and the National Energy Council (DEN) as well as government officials and other associations, discussing opportunities for the Solar Energy Industry in providing a significant role including with the direction of national energy policy, national electricity development program, regulations on the use of TKDN products, and strengthening the domestic solar module industry where the role of the Government is an important key to its sustainability.

On that occasion, SEI, which is a subsidiary of Len with a core business in the New and Renewable Energy Sector, was present representing PT Len Industri (Persero). Acting President Director of PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI), I Made Sandika gave a perfect appearance in explaining the vision and mission, especially in the New Chairperson Election segment in the 3rd Apamsi National Conference, which was ultimately elected as the General Chairperson of APAMSI for the 2024-2027 period, continuing the baton from Linus M. Andor Sijabat who was previously one of the Len Board of Directors.

In his inaugural speech as APAMSI General Chair, Made stated his readiness to build APAMSI to become a superior, solid, reliable, sustainable and trusted national solar module industry in Indonesia. Carrying the 'SIAP' strategy initiative consisting of Aligning Commitments - Stakeholder Integration - Program Acceleration - Ensure Targets, Made is optimistic to improve the Association's ability to support Domestic Industrial Independence. "As part of Len Industri, SEI will also contribute together with other APAMSI members as part of the global industry chain so that it is hoped that these APAMSI members will be the winners in the Domestic market," he concluded.**

SEI Mengajar: Appearing Stunningly in Executive Class

SEI Mengajar: Appearing Stunningly in Executive Class

Bandung (25/10), long involved in the world of Marketing, Ridwan Kurnia who is the Acting SEGM Sales, Marketing and Business Development of PT Surya Energi Indotama was appointed to appear as a Guest Speaker in the MINI Executive Education Program event organized by the MarkPlus Institute. This prestigious event was attended by participants at the Manager and Supervisor level from various Companies who were certainly enthusiastic in deepening their knowledge of Marketing, especially the latest marketing tactics.

In this inspiring session, Ridwan Kurnia took the lead role to discuss a very relevant topic, namely "The New Marketing Battle Plan: New Tactics for a Changing Landscape." In an era of constant change, effective marketing strategies are the key to achieving business success. Ridwan provided in-depth insights on how to develop and implement the latest marketing strategies to face the dynamic business landscape. Digital transformation, changes in consumer behavior, and increasingly fierce competition are some of the many things discussed in this session. In addition, Ridwan also shared success stories and best practices on what he has done. This success story certainly provides valuable inspiration for the participants who attended, indirectly what was conveyed can also help training participants to understand how to apply and optimize these concepts in the business they are currently working on, especially related to marketing plans to capture opportunities and changes in the future.

The selection of SEI as a Guest Speaker is an acknowledgement of SEI's dedication and existence which continues to be committed to contributing in various forums that enrich understanding and discussion of important issues and are not limited to Marketing Management but cover all aspects of running a business which can ultimately improve the Company's business performance.**

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PT Surya Energi Indotama

PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) was established on December 6, 2007, and was taken over as a subsidiary of PT Len Industri (Persero) on January 14, 2009.