Tag: Town Hall Meeting
Town Hall Meeting Vol 1 2024: Performance Achievements in 2024 and New Formation of SEI 1 Trillion
In an atmosphere full of emotion and enthusiasm, the Town Hall Meeting Vol 1 of 2024 which was held in the SEI lounge witnessed an important moment of farewell to one of the pioneer founders of SEI, Mr. Ir. Petrus Tri Bakti Nurharyadi or often known as Tri Bakti who has entered retirement.
In his long journey, Tri Bakti has made a great contribution to advancing the company. Not to forget, the gratitude was conveyed by SEI employees by giving respect in the form of flowers as a sign of farewell. Also attending were President Director I Made Sandika Dwiantara and other directors who gave awards and souvenirs as a sign of gratitude for his dedication so far.
After the farewell moment, the Town Hall Meeting entered the core session with a presentation of the 2023 achievements and strategic plans for 2024. A series of presentations from all levels of directors provided a comprehensive overview of the company's performance achievements and detailed the leading programs that will be implemented in an effort to achieve the big goal.
In one of his remarks, President Director I Made Sandika Dwiantara expressed his hopes for 2024, namely that 2024 would be a brilliant year for SEI. "Active involvement, loyalty, and cooperation from all employees are expected to be the main keys to the company's success." In the same session, great hopes were embedded in the minds of all Town Hall Meeting participants by giving enthusiastic applause.
The series of events then ended with a question and answer session and prayer. Hoping that all the hard work that we have done in the previous year will be a blessing and become a self-reflection so that in 2024 SEI can achieve maximum performance.
As a form of enthusiasm and shared commitment to achieve great success in the future, the event was closed with the echoing of the cheer, namely "SEI 1 Trillion? Gaspool!"
Hopefully this will be a motivator for all SEI employees to face the coming year 2024.