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PT Len, RT, and MUI Collaborate to Help Sukawarna Bandung Residents

PT Len, RT, and MUI Collaborate to Help Sukawarna Bandung Residents

PT Len Industri in collaboration with RT 5 RW 2 and MUI Sukawarna Village, Bandung City helps residents economically affected by the Corona virus.

PKBL & CSR Manager of PT Len Industri, Doni Gunawan said, as part of the West Java BUMN Covid 19 Task Force, Len Industri carries out joint efforts with the community. Including in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

"After the first stage of distributing medical equipment for health workers and spraying disinfectant in residential areas, then in the second stage we distribute aid to the community affected by this pandemic every day during the month of Ramadan," he said in a release received by galamedianews, Friday (1/5/2020). Early April, Len sprayed disinfectant and distributed masks and hand sanitizers in several locations. Such as in the Pasirluyu, Riung Bandung, and Cibogo areas, all three in Bandung City.

Doni continued, the assistance provided varied in the form of food, basic necessities, and cash. His party actively collaborated with community elements at the grassroots level, so that assistance was given to those who really needed it. The Head of RT 5 RW 2 Sukawarna, Bandung City, Muhammad Sufyan Abd, admitted that he was proud of the attention and implementation of the company's social responsibility to the community. "We will distribute it to, among others, garbage collectors, diggers, street vendors, and other small communities that I saw myself were really affected. In fact, those who we thought were surviving, turned out to be affected too," he said. According to him, residents must start their own initiative first to help others, instead of continuing to rely on the polemic promises of social assistance lately. If residents are solid, it is easy to establish CSR synergy with other parties.

He gave an example of the previous program, namely Perelek Beas, which managed to collect up to 40 kg in less than 5 days. Perelek was then distributed to, among others, buskers, the unemployed, and online motorcycle taxis. Secretary of MUI Sukawarna Village, Agus Riansyah added, PT Len's assistance will be distributed to religious teachers and to renovate mosques and prayer rooms in his area. "Some of them are really focused on earning a living from religious teachers, so the current situation is really difficult. In addition, in terms of age, some are already elderly. May Allah bless PT Len and the donors," he said.

Len Incorporated provides free boxed/wrapped rice assistance for residents of Bandung Regency

Len Incorporated provides free boxed/wrapped rice assistance for residents of Bandung Regency

During the month of Ramadhan 1441H, Len Incorporated provides free boxed/wrapped rice assistance for residents of Bandung Regency who are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Len's Fostered Partner UMKM as food providers and DKM/Foundation/RT/RW/Social Institutions of Bandung Regency as those responsible in the field for distribution to residents who are in dire need of food.

Len Incorporated itself is part of the West Java Covid-19 Handling BUMN Task Force and is responsible for the distribution of BUMN assistance for the Bandung Regency area.

Ramadhan day 1 Al Miftah Mosque, Kab.Bandung
Ramadhan day 2 Al Mubarokah Mosque, Baleendah, Kab. Bandung
Ramadhan day 3 Miftahulshuhur Mosque, Andir, Kab. Bandung
Ramadhan day 4 Al Taubah Cimaung Mosque, Kab. Bandung
Ramadhan day 5 Al Muslihun Mosque, Cimaung, Kab. Bandung

PT Surya Energi Indotama helps ease the burden on the people of West Lombok in dealing with the Covid 19 outbreak

PT Surya Energi Indotama helps ease the burden on the people of West Lombok in dealing with the Covid 19 outbreak

The Regency area in NTB Province that was quite affected by the COVID-19 outbreak was West Lombok Regency, where Senggingi Beach, which is the mainstay of the original income of the West Lombok Regency, was really hit.

PT Surya Energi Indotama felt called to help ease the burden on the people of West Lombok in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak. Masks are a necessity that must be met by the people of West Lombok, while the availability of masks is difficult to find in West Lombok, and even if there are any, the prices are very high.

On Sunday, April 26, 2020, at the Pendopo of the West Lombok Regent's House, PT SEI handed over standard cloth masks, which were received directly by the Regent of West Lombok, Mr. Fauzan Khalid.

The Regent warmly welcomed the handover of mask assistance, felt very happy and at the same time expressed his deepest gratitude to PT SEI for their attention by providing 4000 masks for the people of West Lombok.

"These masks are really needed and very useful for the people of West Lombok," said the Regent of West Lombok, to Vansha Kumaratungga who represented PT SEI.

Flood Disaster Assistance for Dayeuhkolot Village and Shodaqoh Orphanage Foundation, Baleendah District by PT. Len Incorporated

Flood Disaster Assistance for Dayeuhkolot Village and Shodaqoh Orphanage Foundation, Baleendah District by PT. Len Incorporated

Sunday, April 12, 2020 – PT. Len Incorporated through the PKBL & CSR Division provided flood disaster assistance to the people of Dayeuhkolot Village and the Yatim Dhuafa Shodaqoh Foundation, Baleendah District, Bandung Regency. The agenda for providing flood disaster assistance was carried out at the Dayeuhkolot Village office, Bandung Regency, attended by the Deputy Regent of Bandung Regency, H. Gun Gun Gunawan and Member of the Bandung Regency DPRD, Tedi Surahman. In his remarks, Gun Gun Gunawan expressed his gratitude to PT. Len Incorporated and appealed to the community to maintain their health amidst the flood and Covid-19 disasters.

In addition, he also hopes that this disaster can be resolved immediately with mutual concern. The conditions at the disaster site since today at several points have begun to recede, although there is still mud left. PT. Len Incorporated provided assistance in the form of food and cleaning equipment and was received directly by Yayan Setiana as the Head of Dayeuhkolot Village and representatives from the Yatim Dhuafa Shodaqoh Foundation, Baleendah District, Bandung Regency. Manager of the PKBL & CSR Division, Donny Gunawan, representing the team from PT. Len Incorporated hopes that the assistance provided can be useful for the local community.

Len Incorporated through its PKBL & CSR division provides assistance in handling the spread of Covid-19

Len Incorporated through its PKBL & CSR division provides assistance in handling the spread of Covid-19

Saturday, 9-11 April 2020, Len Incorporated through its PKBL & CSR division provided assistance to handle the spread of Covid-19 for health workers in several hospitals and health centers in Bandung and Tasikmalaya. The hospitals that were the target of the assistance were RSKIA Kota Bandung, RSUD Kota Bandung, RS Jasa Kartini Kota Tasikmalaya and Puskesmas Pasirluyu.

The assistance provided by Len Industri for hospitals and health centers was in the form of 30 Rapid Tests, 100 Hazmat Polyethylene Films, 100 N95 Masks, Goggles, Sterile Masks, Aprons, Mobcaps, Sterile Gloves and Hand Sanitizers. The hospitals assisted by Len have so far also handled Covid-19 patients and Covid-19 PDP patients so that they are very vulnerable to Covid-19 transmission so they must be equipped with adequate PPE for health workers as well as the health centers that are assisted because health centers are the front line of the community's first referral to check the health of patients. In addition to providing equipment for health workers to increase immunity and endurance for health workers, Len also provides vitamin intake in the form of kefir juice to be given to health workers in several hospitals in Bandung City. Hopefully, this assistance can help health workers who treat Covid-19 patients and avoid the spread of Covid-19.

Len Incorporated provides PPE assistance for health workers at Pasirluyu Health Center, Bandung City.

Len Incorporated provides PPE assistance for health workers at Pasirluyu Health Center, Bandung City.

Thursday, April 9, 2020, Len Incorporated provided PPE assistance for health workers at Pasirluyu Health Center, Bandung City. Through CSR Len Incorporated provided PPE in the form of Hazmat, Goggles, Masks, Gloves, Hand Sanitizers in order to protect health workers at the health center as the front line in handling various types of patients in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully with this assistance we can together prevent the spread and protect health workers from Covid-19 transmission.

SEI Starts 2019 with Centralized PLTS Projects in 5 Locations

SEI Starts 2019 with Centralized PLTS Projects in 5 Locations

Bambang Iswanto, SEI President Director (right) with I Nyoman Dana (PLN NTT Procurement Manager) in signing the cooperation contract

PT. Surya Energi Indotama is now preparing to work on centralized PLTS in 5 locations from PLN NTT Region and PLN East Java Region. The total capacity to be installed is almost 800 kWp with locations on islands in the Komodo Islands region and the Madura Islands region. This project is a positive start for PT. SEI in 2019 and is expected to be a stepping stone to obtaining much bigger jobs.

Want to know more about PLTS? Please contact us

PLTS for Commercial and Industry, new aspects and opportunities presented by PT. SEI at the ITB New Renewable Energy seminar

PLTS for Commercial and Industry, new aspects and opportunities presented by PT. SEI at the ITB New Renewable Energy seminar

PT. Surya Energi Indotama participated in a seminar entitled Strategy for Utilization of EBT for Electricity Supply organized by the Indonesian Electricity Generation Experts Association (HAKIT) and the ITB New and Renewable Energy Research Center (PPEBT ITB) at the Center for Research and Community Services (CRCS) Building on the ITB campus. In his presentation, PT. SEI, represented by the GM of Marketing and Sales, explained several aspects of the needs of the commercial and industrial sectors that can be met by PLTS today. One of the aspects discussed was the need for efficiency in investment and operational costs. To meet this need, PT. SEI as one of the business actors in the PLTS sector innovates to offer product bundling and funding so that consumers can pay for PLTS products with the opex (Operational Expenditures) system.

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Surya Energi Indotama

PT Surya Energi Indotama

PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) was established on December 6, 2007, and was taken over as a subsidiary of PT Len Industri (Persero) on January 14, 2009.