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Presenting Battery Applications in Solar Power Systems, Fajar Becomes Speaker at Interactive Dialogue Initiated by IESR

Presenting Battery Applications in Solar Power Systems, Fajar Becomes Speaker at Interactive Dialogue Initiated by IESR

Jakarta (15/10/2024) – Director of Engineering and Operations, Fajar Miftahul Falah had the opportunity to attend and actively participate in an interactive dialogue initiated by the Institute for Essential Service Reform (IESR). This event raised the theme "Breaking the Walls: The Future of Indonesia's Solar Energy and Energy Storage Innovation" which was attended by participants from various circles, including renewable energy industry players.

The event took place with high enthusiasm, offering an in-depth discussion on innovation in solar energy and energy storage technology or batteries in Indonesia. In this session, Fajar shared his views on the challenges and opportunities facing the renewable energy sector, as well as the strategic steps that need to be taken to advance technology and infrastructure in the PLTS system.

Participants actively interacted, asked questions and shared experiences, making this dialogue not only informative but also inspiring. With various perspectives shared, this event succeeded in adding new insights into the development of renewable energy in Indonesia and facilitating collaboration between industry players.

Fajar emphasized the importance of innovation and cross-sector collaboration to achieve clean energy targets in the future. This dialogue is an important momentum in encouraging awareness and real action for energy transition in Indonesia.

This event is expected to be a sustainable platform for discussions on policies and best practices in developing renewable energy in the country.

To build closeness between employees, SEI holds a “CEO Talk with Gen Z” event

To build closeness between employees, SEI holds a “CEO Talk with Gen Z” event

SEI has just held a CEO Talk event with the theme "If You Don't Know, You Don't Love". This event aims to bridge communication between Generation Z and the company's board of directors.

Attended by I Made Sandika Dwiantara, President Director of PT Surya Energi Indotama, Yuntoro Prakoso Wibowo, Director of Finance, HR and Risk Management, Fajar Miftahul Falah, Director of Engineering and Operations and Ridwan Kurnia, Director of Marketing and Business Development.

All participants looked very enthusiastic in this event. They not only listened to the directors' career experiences, but also actively asked about tips for maintaining motivation at work. One of the interesting topics discussed was how the directors divide their time between work and other activities outside of work, providing valuable insights for the participants.

The event was relaxed, exciting, friendly and certainly became an effective platform to get to know each other, share experiences, and strengthen the relationship between the younger generation and company leaders. Hopefully, this interaction can create better collaboration in the future and a new spirit for the company.

PT SEI … Go… Fight… Win…!

As a Speaker, Ridwan Discusses Renewable Energy Business and Sustainable Finance

As a Speaker, Ridwan Discusses Renewable Energy Business and Sustainable Finance

Having the opportunity to attend and actively participate in the workshop initiated by the Financial Services Authority and USAID Sustainable Energy for Indonesia’s Advancing Resilience (SINAR), Director of Marketing and Business Development, Ridwan Kurnia was present to captivate in giving a presentation session related to “Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in Renewable Energy Generation: Key Risks in Developing RE Projects

The presentation discussed the company’s business activities including opportunities for solar energy absorption in Indonesia to the milestones to achieve the Net Zero Emission target in 2060.

Not only talking about opportunities, Ridwan also discussed thoroughly the challenges and risks faced by the company in developing this new renewable energy industry.

The audience seemed to listen to the material presented enthusiastically until the discussion and question and answer session went lively. One of the Workshop participants said that with the discussion related to renewable energy and SEI business, they gained new knowledge and opened their horizons about the current renewable energy company.

Excelling in Publication and Media Programs, SEI Successfully Wins Two Trophies

Excelling in Publication and Media Programs, SEI Successfully Wins Two Trophies

It was a source of pride for the SEI family when SEI managed to bring home two proud trophies, namely the Award Trophy as the Company with the Best Publication at the 2024 Association of Economic Journalists Business Awards (IWEB Awards 2024) and the Award Trophy for the Media Relations Awards 2024 Category, Sub-Category for the Best Media Relations Program at the 78th United Press Company Awards.

SEI was considered successful in its efforts to communicate well to the mass media and the public and also participated in supporting the national economy, especially through publications, so that it was finally selected as the recipient of the Best Publication award from the 2024 IWEB Award alongside PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) which managed to bring home the trophy in the same category.

The next award came from the oldest press company organization in Indonesia, namely the Press Company Union (SPS). Carrying out the Humanist Collaboration program between companies and the Mass Media, SEI has succeeded in creating good and healthy relations that have played a role in building a positive image and reputation so that SEI was selected as the winner of the 2024 Media Relations Awards Category Sub-Category Best Media Relations Program along with other leading companies, namely PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (Persero), Bank Central Asia, Tbk, PT Astra International, Tbk, etc.

"Hopefully the company's success this time can be an inspiration for other corporate communities to continue to actively contribute, convey positive, precise and accurate information that will have an impact on the wider community," said I Made Sandika, President Director of SEI. **

Trending! Alfamidi Now Installs Rooftop Solar Power Plants in Its Midimarkets

Trending! Alfamidi Now Installs Rooftop Solar Power Plants in Its Midimarkets

Tangerang, Banten (22/9/24) – The trend of Rooftop PLTS is increasingly mushrooming in Indonesia, apart from the trend of Rooftop PLTS becoming a necessity in the government or private sector to save electricity bills, one example is PT Midi Utama Indonesia Tbk, a subsidiary of Alfamart which operates in the midimarket sector, has switched to new renewable energy. SEI in collaboration with PLN ICON Plus installed Rooftop PLTS in 2 Alfamidi Super locations, namely Teluknaga and Kutabumi, Tangerang, Banten. The total installed Rooftop PLTS capacity is 180 kWp (Teluknaga capacity 90.09 kWp & Kutabumi capacity 90.09 kWp).

This Alfamidi PLTS has entered the interconnection or energize stage, this stage is a requirement to obtain an Operational Certificate (SLO). After obtaining the SLO, the Rooftop PLTS can be operated. At this stage, SEI checks from Quality Control to the PLTS trial.

"In this installation process, according to the S curve, it should be completed on September 27, but we can finish it 1 month earlier, so that on August 22, we can carry out the interconnection or energize," said Nurisma, SEI Project Manager.

Alfamidi plans to increase capacity at several other points to support new renewable energy and show as an example that supermarket or minimarket outlets can be installed with Rooftop PLTS to save on electricity bills.

Medical Check Up: Form of Company Commitment to Realizing Occupational Health and Safety

Medical Check Up: Form of Company Commitment to Realizing Occupational Health and Safety

Bandung (09/09/2024), as an effort to increase awareness of the importance of Occupational Health and Safety (K3), PT Surya Energi Indotama, a pioneer company in the renewable energy sector, held a Medical Check Up program for employees located at SEI in collaboration with Pindad General Hospital.

In its implementation, this program is divided into three categories, namely the first category is intended for employees over 40 years of age or who have comorbidities, the second category is intended for company structural officials and the third category is for the Board of Directors.

The hope of this program is to ensure that all employees are always in good health and prime condition, so that they can provide the best performance for the company. "This Medical Check Up is not only to fulfill the company's obligations in accordance with the joint work agreement but also a form of commitment to ensure that all employees are in good health and prime condition. So that it can improve employee performance and productivity which has a positive impact on the company," said Fajar Miftahul Falah, Director of Engineering and Operations who also serves as Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Committee (P2K3)

Occupational health and safety is not only a necessity, but also a non-negotiable priority. Therefore, SEI invites all parties, both from industry and the general public, to jointly prioritize occupational health and safety as an integral part of sustainable development. Together, let's create a safe, healthy, and competitive work environment to achieve a better future. Because Safety Is SEI Priority!

Off Grid Communal PLTS Officially Operating in West Sumba and Southwest Sumba

Off Grid Communal PLTS Officially Operating in West Sumba and Southwest Sumba

Sumba, NTT (02/09/2024) – PT Surya Energi Indotama in collaboration with the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) Indonesia through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of the Republic of Indonesia is carrying out a flagship project entitled "Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequality (ACCESS)" which is implemented in the Off-grid Communal PLTS Project.

In this project, there are 7 locations of Off-grid Communal PLTS spread across the West Sumba and Southwest Sumba Regions, namely Mata Wee Lima, Ekapata 1, Ekapata 2, Watukarere, Dangga Mango and Gaura with a total capacity of 218.9 kWp which have been inaugurated by the National Project Manager of UNDP Indonesia, Mathilde Sari Gokmauli, Program Manager of UNDP Indonesia, Gwen Palmos, Secretary of the Directorate General of EBTKE - ESDM, Sahid Junaidi, Regent of Central Sumba Regency, Jusuf Lery, and Regent of Southwest Sumba Regency, Kornelius Kodi Mete and attended by the Director of Marketing and Business Development of SEI, Ridwan Kurnia.

The project was successfully completed with the support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) by empowering local operators through training and capacity building, as well as strengthening local institutions, especially Village-Owned Enterprises or BUMDesa to ensure the sustainability of the operation of the PLTS while opening up opportunities for local economic growth.

In addition to providing lighting to the surrounding villages, this solar power installation has contributed to improving the quality of life in the surrounding communities, creating new opportunities for local development. A total of 20 BUMDesas have been established or revitalized, ensuring sustainable management and maintenance of the PLTS. Not only that, with the presence of the Off Grid Communal PLTS, BUMDesa has successfully launched various businesses, including trade, livestock and tilapia cultivation with a biofloc system, as well as services such as photocopying, cargo transportation, and excavator services that in carrying out their business activities use clean energy from the PLTS in their daily operations.

"Thank you for the cooperation that has been established from various parties until the completion of this ACCESS Project. We hope that with this PLTS, it can increase community empowerment in terms of economic development, welfare and literacy which will support the achievement of clean and sustainable energy development in Indonesia." Said Ridwan Kurnia in between his activities accompanying the group during the inauguration session.

This Off Grid Communal PLTS will be fully operated by the Village with the support of local operators involving 46% of women as operators in all Villages who have been equipped with training and certification programs including SEI which has participated in providing qualified training for the smooth operation of the Long-term PLTS.

Together with the Government and various related parties, SEI continues to strive for electricity access that can be reached by all people towards a more equitable and sustainable energy future. Of course, the success of this project can be an achievement achieved through collaboration, innovation, and solid commitment.**

SEI Participation in Blood Donation: Real Action for Health and Humanity

SEI Participation in Blood Donation: Real Action for Health and Humanity

Bandung 19/08/24, SEI participated in a blood donation activity organized by HSE Len Industri Company, located at Graha PT Len Industri (Persero). This activity is a routine company program and is part of the company's commitment to support humanitarian action and employee health.

The event was also attended by I Made Sandika Dwiantara, President Director of SEI, and Ridwan Kurnia, Director of Marketing and Business Development of SEI. This confirms SEI's support for social activities that have a positive impact on employees.

Moiko Sivatino, General Manager of Health, Safety & Environment of PT Len Industri (Persero), in his statement said that the main purpose of this blood donation activity is to provide real action in humanity. "This activity is a form of our concern for employees and an effort to improve employee health. By donating blood, we hope to help those in need and at the same time encourage a spirit of togetherness in our work environment," said Moiko.

This blood donation activity received a positive response from all participants, including SEI employees. In addition to being a form of social contribution, this event also provides an opportunity for employees to participate in activities that are beneficial for health and safety.

As part of the series of events, blood donors were given information about the importance of blood donation and safe and comfortable procedures. This activity not only provides direct benefits to blood recipients, but also raises awareness among employees about the importance of participating in humanitarian activities.

By participating in this activity, SEI shows its commitment to not only focus on business achievements, but also on social and humanitarian responsibilities.

Togetherness in Independence: SEI Holds Centralized Flag Ceremony with DEFEND ID

Togetherness in Independence: SEI Holds Centralized Flag Ceremony with DEFEND ID

Bandung (17/08/24), In order to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the Board of Directors and all employees of PT Surya Energi Indotama participated in the flag ceremony held centrally by Holding DEFEND ID at the Apron Hangar Delivery Center of PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

The ceremony began at 07.00 WIB which began with the raising of the red and white flag by the ceremony officer. An atmosphere full of solemnity and pride was felt filling the hangar area which is usually used for company operational activities.

President Director of PT Len Industri (Persero), Bobby Rasyidin as the parent of Holding DEFEND ID acted as the Inspector of the Ceremony. In his speech, Bobby emphasized the meaning of independence in the modern era. "Freedom is not only free from colonizers, but also includes the freedom to develop, create and innovate for a better future," he said.

He continued, "The challenges faced today are no less great than in the past. In the era of globalization and technological advancement, we are faced with increasingly tight competition in the fields of economy, education, and socio-culture. Therefore, we must adapt, improve our quality, and work hard to keep this independence meaningful for future generations."

This event is not only a momentum to remember past struggles but also a reminder for all employees to continue to innovate and contribute to the progress of the nation amidst global competition. Not only that, all employees who attended showed high enthusiasm in commemorating this historic day, which also emphasized the commitment to the progress and sustainability of the company.

The spirit of independence built on this day is expected to continue to inspire and motivate all employees to give their best in every aspect of their lives and work.

176 kWp PLTS Tanamalala Officially Operates 24 Hours

176 kWp PLTS Tanamalala Officially Operates 24 Hours

Good News for SEInergi Friends, Exactly on June 12, 2024, the 176 kWp PLTS located in Tanamalala Village, Pasimasunggu District, Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi has been inaugurated.

Contracted with PT PLN (Persero), SEI acts as an EPC company successfully completing the 176kWp PLTS project which will be operated for 24 hours to meet the needs of 126 Heads of Families in the area.

The PLTS built on 4 thousand square meters of land was inaugurated directly by the GM of PLN UID Sulselrabar together with the Regent of Selayar, also present were Madhan Wisnu as a representative from SEI, the Selayar Regency Government, Forkopimcam and local village officials.

After the inauguration, a direct review of the solar panels and the PLTS operational room was carried out and the first ignition was carried out at one of the customer's houses.

It is a joy for the people of Tanamalala that now they can enjoy electricity without any problems, more economical and environmentally friendly.

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PT Surya Energi Indotama

PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) was established on December 6, 2007, and was taken over as a subsidiary of PT Len Industri (Persero) on January 14, 2009.