Category: News
Ramadan BERSERI: Breaking the Fast Together, Strengthening Relationships
BANDUNG – The SEI Family's Breaking the Fast Together (Bukber) has become an annual tradition held every Ramadan. The event, which was held on Thursday (6/3), was attended by management and all SEI employees. This internal breaking the fast together carried the theme "Ramadan Berseri" (Blessings, Enthusiasm, Sharing) which is also the SEI Ramadan Program campaign this year as a momentum for friendship to strengthen family ties between SEI employees.
This SEI Bukber was also attended by several previous directors. The event was opened with remarks by the three SEI Directors. Bambang Iswanto as President Director, I Made Sandika Dwiantara as Director of Marketing and Business Development, and Fajar Miftahul Falah as Director of Engineering and Operations. In their remarks, the three Directors reminded all employees to remain grateful and thankful for SEI's current achievements.
On this occasion, SEI also provided social assistance in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program to 6 foundations or orphanages in Bandung and around the office. Some of them have become SEI's fostered foundations in running social and educational programs for children in need. The recipients of the assistance include the Sabilulungan Ngabdi Nagari Foundation, the Saku Dermawan Indonesia Foundation, the Permata Insani Foundation, the Ad-Infinitum Orphanage, the Al-Furqon Orphanage, and the Ulul Albab Orphanage.
Furthermore, the Bukber event continued with listening to a sermon and a joint prayer to break the fast by Ustadz Suhendar. Although carried out simply, this Bukber event was able to provide an atmosphere of togetherness and motivation to foster a sense of family and belonging between employees and the company.
Throughout the event, there are various interesting Doorprizes to enliven the event. There is also a grand prize, namely Umrah for 1 employee. In addition to breaking the fast together, "Ramadan Berseri" which is the theme of this month of Ramadan also has a series of other events such as sharing free takjil, sharing food for breaking the fast, social assistance, employee tahsin, Islamic studies, to webinars about tips for exercising during the month of Ramadan.
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Visiting SEI, Tri Mumpuni Discusses Strategy to Advance Solar Power Plant Industry in Indonesia
BANDUNG – One of the members of the Steering Committee of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Tri Mumpuni visited PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) on Monday (27/3). This visit was a follow-up to the previous meeting to discuss the development of the New and Renewable Energy (EBT) Industry, especially solar energy in Indonesia.
As a pioneering solar energy company in Indonesia which is also a subsidiary of a BUMN, it is only right that SEI gets a big opportunity to develop the solar energy-based energy and electricity industry in Indonesia. This was expressed by Tri Mumpuni in a discussion session with the SEI Board of Directors and the ranks of PT Surya Energi Indotama.
Tri Mumpuni, who is also included in the list of the Most Influential Indonesian Muslim Scientists in the World according to The World's 500 Most Influential Muslims 2021 report, listens to all aspirations, the latest information, and innovations that are currently happening in the world of solar energy, especially from the perspective of industry players. This is then elaborated together to formulate the next strategic steps for each problem that occurs.
Apart from that, this woman who was born in 1964 is amazed by the existence of SEI which has existed for 15 years. Although SEI has not achieved a high figure in terms of total installed PLTS capacity, SEI has been able to expand the reach of solar energy benefits to remote areas with thousands of small to medium capacity project points. This is in line with its mission to improve the welfare of people in remote areas to gain equality and benefits from new renewable energy.
The discussion was also attended by SEI President Director Bambang Iswanto, SEI Marketing and Business Development Director I Made Sandika Dwiantara, Engineering and Operations Director Fajar Miftahul Falah, GM Engineering & Technology Development Eric Agustian, Secretariat Manager M. Dedy, and other company officials. The hope of holding this visit and discussion is of course to form a strategy and concrete steps in facing the challenges of the new renewable energy industry in Indonesia. In addition, this is a good momentum for SEI to be able to open up new opportunities for cooperation with both BRIN and other government institutions in the development and utilization of solar energy in Indonesia.
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In a Row, This Time Seinergi E-Magazine Wins Awards at the 2023 SPS Awards!
JAKARTA - E-Magazine Seinergi has again received an award from one of the prestigious events, namely the 12th Indonesia Inhouse Magazine Awards (InMA) SPS Awards 2023. As an internal magazine of SEI, E-Magazine Seinergi received the Silver Medal The Best of Inhouse E-Magazine State Owned Subsidiary for the 2nd Edition published in December 2022. This award was symbolically received by the company's leadership, represented by Nurjani as SEI After-Sales Manager on March 20, 2023 at the Merlynn Park Hotel, Jakarta.
The SPS Awards itself is organized by the Indonesian Press Company Association which has been established since 1946. SPS is a press organization that plays a role in the development of journalism and the press in Indonesia. The SPS Awards held this year carries the theme "Collaboration and Innovation for the Independence of the Indonesian Press". The SPS Awards appreciates the superior performance of Public Relations (PR) from corporations, ministries, institutions, and local governments throughout Indonesia.
SEI through the Seinergi E-Magazine shows its seriousness in advancing corporate communication programs by managing quality communication media channels. The Seinergi E-Magazine contains various information about SEI's business activities and the development of New and Renewable Energy (EBT), especially solar energy in Indonesia and the world.
Through this award, E-Magazine Seinergi has now added to its achievements by recording a total of 2 awards from national-level award events. President Director of PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI), Bambang Iswanto appreciated the achievements made by the E-Magazine Seinergi Editorial Team.
"The award received is a real manifestation of the external party's objective views and assessments of the ideas and concepts interpreted in E-Magazine Seinergi. We are very proud and appreciate the creativity and hard work of the Seinergi Team in realizing it. Hopefully E Magazine Seinergi will continue to advance and improve in presenting news and information that is neatly packaged in new, creative ways, and can be useful for more SEI stakeholders," concluded Bambang.
These achievements are the beginning for SEI in building a positive and competitive corporate communication atmosphere at the company and national levels. As a pioneer of renewable energy companies in Indonesia, especially in the field of Solar Power Plants, SEI continues to strive to convey the message of using environmentally friendly energy to the public through various communication channels and media. This Seinergi E-Magazine will continue to be SEI's leading communication channel now and in the future.
Seinergi E-Magazine is open to all readers outside of employees. Please access to read the two E-Magazines that have been published.
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Seinergi SEI E-Magazine’s First Achievement Comes from the 2023 PR Indonesia Award (PRIA) Event
DENPASAR - SEI has successfully achieved an achievement through the 8th PR Indonesia Awards (PRIA) 2023. At this event, SEI received the Silver Medal in the Owned Media E-Magazine Category, Sub-Category of BUMN Subsidiaries for the Internal Company Magazine "Seinergi". The award for Internal Magazines in the form of E-Magazines published by BUMN Subsidiaries in Indonesia.
Represented by the General Manager of Engineering and Technology Development, Eric Agustian, SEI received the award at the peak of the 8th PRIA 2023 at the Aston Hotel Ballroom, Denpasar, Bali. This award is special because it is the first award for Seinergi E-Magazine since it was published in 2022. Although it is quite young, this is a good achievement for Seinergi E-Magazine to start taking steps towards being even better.
PR Indonesia Awards is the only most comprehensive Public Relations (PR) competition in Indonesia. PRIA claims that this event can be used as a barometer for communication performance for all PR Communication practitioners/agencies. In its 8th year, PRIA presents several competition categories ranging from Owned Media, Digital Channels, Crisis Management, Public Relations Management Manual, Annual Report, Brand Guideline, PR Program, CSR Program, to PR Department. All categories are competed to find the best entry assessed by the Jury. The Jury consists of PR experts, senior PR practitioners, PR consultants/agencies, PR association/organization figures, media figures, senior photographers, design and branding experts, and social media experts.
"Thank you for the cooperation of the entire Seinergi Editorial Team so that we can reach this point together. Hopefully this achievement will be an encouragement for us to make Seinergi better in the future," concluded Richard Ismail as the Editor-in-Chief of E-Magazine Seinergi PT Surya Energi Indotama.
Although it has only just entered its 2nd edition, Seinergi brings its own spirit to present an interactive, innovative, and creative internal company magazine. The management of Seinergi E-Magazine itself is handled by the Editorial Team consisting of representatives from each department in SEI. Collaboration and willingness to learn are the keys to how Seinergi can provide the best results in each edition.
Hopefully Seinergi can continue to provide the best information for all SEI People and Seinergi Friends. Congratulations to Seinergi E-Magazine!
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DEFEND ID Celebrates 1st Anniversary at PT Len Industri (Persero)
The peak celebration of DEFEND ID's 1st Anniversary held at PT Len Industri (Persero) on March 9, 2023 went smoothly. Officially established by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo on March 2, 2022, DEFEND ID is carried with a mission to become a Top 50 Global Defense Company.
With the theme "Stronger Collaboration for Excellent Performance", the Defense Industry Holding consisting of PT Len Industri (Persero), PT Dahana, PT Pindad, PT Dirgantara Indonesia and PT PAL Indonesia is expected to be able to increase harmonious collaboration so as to encourage the holding's performance to be even more extraordinary in the future.
The peak event of DEFEND ID's Anniversary was opened by the Chief Organizer, Director of Business and Cooperation Wahyu Sofiadi. He conveyed and reminded about the mission of becoming a Top 50 Global Defense Company which cannot be achieved without good collaboration from each entity.
The event, which took place at Grha Len, was attended by the Assistant Deputy for Manufacturing Industry of KBUMN Liliek Mayasari, President Director of DEFEND ID and PT Len Industri (Persero) Bobby Rasyidin, all President Directors of DEFEND ID Holding Members, as well as representatives from subsidiaries who were also present physically and online.
Also physically present were the Board of Commissioners of PT Len Dean Arslan, Bambang Kusharto, Helvi Yuni Moraza, Zuryati Simbolon, and Rindoko Dahono. The celebration of the first DEFEND ID Anniversary had several series of competitions included in the DEFEND ID CUP and DEFEND ID Rising Star events. Where the DEFEND ID Cup consists of mini soccer, badminton, table tennis, chess, and shooting competitions. The DEFEND ID Anniversary event was closed with the announcement of the DEFEND ID Cup champion which fell to PT Pindad.
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SEI Contributes to Preserving Arts and Culture Through the “Ramayana” Art Performance
JAKARTA - As a form of SEI's contribution to the preservation of traditional arts and culture, SEI also provides support for traditional artists in the 2023 Ramayana Performance through the Arts & Culture Pillar Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This performance is held as a form of appreciation for traditional arts by involving almost 200 dancers, musicians, actors and artists, as well as associations.
The Ramayana Performance was held on February 28, 2023 at the Taman Ismail Marzuki Grand Theater in Jakarta. This performance is a collaboration between the Krida Hambeksa Association, PSTK, and IAITB. Krida Hambeksa itself is a community node that is a gathering place for "amateur artists" from various associations, studios, and arts clubs in Jabodetabek. Krida Hambeksa personnel consist of various groups and generations, ranging from students, college students, housewives, retirees, and professionals. The thing that binds them together is their strong love for arts and culture, especially Javanese traditional arts.
The Ramayana performance that carries the concept of wayang wong or wayang orang itself tells the story of Ramawijaya's struggle to save his wife Dewi Sinta who was kidnapped by Rahwana and held captive for 14 years. During that time, Dewi Sinta remained faithful waiting for her husband to come and save her from Rahwana's evil behavior.
Along with the progress and development of the times, performances like Ramayana are starting to be rare. With this wayang orang performance, it is hoped that it will be able to increase awareness of culture.
Elly D. Luthan as the Director of this performance expressed her gratitude for the support that has been given for the continuity of this Ramayana performance. On the other hand, Elly hopes that performances like this can continue to be preserved by the younger generation.
"We really hope that this performance can continue and can provide opportunities for young people, even children, to gather in the arts." Elly said.
Elly also emphasized how happiness is easy to obtain as long as we do not forget about the roots of culture.
In this case, SEI also contributes to supporting the preservation of traditional wayang orang culture by providing guidance and empowerment to art groups through Krida Hambeksa while also helping community social activities by providing opportunities for children at Rumah Orphan Muslimin to participate in performing activities as a form of space for expression.
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SEI Presents Contribution and Survival Strategy in Solar Energy Sector at Indonesia Best Electricity Award (IBEA) 2023
JAKARTA - Indonesia Best Electricity Award (IBEA) 2023 was successfully held on February 22-23, 2023. Held at the Ballroom of the Bidakara Hotel Jakarta, IBEA 2023 involved all academics, government officials, and companies engaged in the field of New and Renewable Energy (EBT), including PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI).
As a pioneering EBT company in Indonesia, especially solar energy, SEI has contributed greatly to advancing the domestic PLTS industry. Thousands of PLTS project points worked on by SEI have spread from Sabang to Merauke. In IBEA 2023, SEI also participated as an exhibitor and also fulfilled the invitation to present in front of the judges as one of the finalists of IBEA 2023.
SEI is one of 31 companies that have been nominated for the Indonesia Best Electricity Award (IBEA) 2023. All of them show off their skills in implementing renewable energy in their respective companies. This is one of the jury's assessments.
I Made Sandika Dwiantara as SEI's Marketing and Business Development Director represented SEI in a 10-minute presentation and Q&A session in front of the judges. Made explained how SEI has been able to survive in the solar energy industry for 15 years, especially when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. SEI should be proud because during the pandemic, the company's performance continued to show good performance. The company's revenue is above 1 trillion and profits are above 100 billion.
"The anomaly is that when faced with Covid conditions, we were actually able to take advantage of the gap with productivity that is all from home. We are able to provide services and offer solutions to ministries that need them. So that it increases our performance both in terms of contracts and income. "said Made in his presentation.
In addition, SEI also opened a booth at the Exhibition which was still held in the same place. This exhibition is an opportunity for SEI to again increase brand awareness to the public, especially now that there are more and more companies in the solar energy sector. SEI has high hopes that public awareness of the use of new renewable energy will be accompanied by their decision to use SEI's solution products.
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Here’s Shareholder Direction for SEI Business in 2023
JAKARTA – PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) attended the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) agenda which was held at the Kempinski Hotel Jakarta on Monday (30/01). Together with all DEFEND ID Members, namely Len, Pindad, Dahana, PAL, and DI, as well as Len Industri Company, namely Eltran Indonesia, LRS, LTI, and SEI, the series of GMS were carried out in turns one by one led by the Board of Directors of PT Len Industri (Persero) as the shareholder. This GMS discussed the Work Program and Company Budget (RKAP) of each DEFEND ID company and Len Industri Company.
Based on the RKAP, in 2023 SEI is targeted to be able to obtain new contracts worth IDR 1.423 trillion with revenues of IDR 1.06 trillion. The net profit that SEI is expected to obtain in 2023 is IDR 129 billion, with a CFO of IDR 81 billion.
As a shareholder, first of all, the Board of Commissioners appreciates the SEI Board of Directors for the achievement of the 2022 RKAP and KPI. In 2022, SEI managed to record contract achievements of 1.205 trillion and revenues of 962 billion. This figure was able to exceed the target set by the holding.
"The Board of Commissioners expresses its appreciation for all the efforts of the Board of Directors in meeting the 2022 RKAP and KPI targets. Hopefully this good performance can be maintained to achieve the 2023 RKAP target," said Indarto Pamoengkas as SEI Commissioner.
Furthermore, the Board of Commissioners provided several directions and suggestions to SEI which were delivered at this GMS. First, in order to support the achievement of the 2023 sales target, SEI is asked to remain selective in seeking projects and ensure the availability of good Human Resources and project funding. In addition, SEI needs to carry out projects on time and at the right cost.
Second, in SEI's plan to enter the Developer business, SEI is asked to make maximum efforts equipped with a comprehensive study. Starting from the business scheme to the funding structure so that the developer business can become a recurring income for SEI.
Third, all risks in the company are expected to be analyzed and controlled effectively by preparing a structured and adequate mitigation plan. This includes anticipating legal risks by strengthening the legal function and risk management in making contracts/agreements with third parties.
Fourth, in order to support the company's operations and development, SEI is asked to continue to improve the quality of professional human resources by implementing adequate knowledge management and talent management. SEI is also asked to implement an objective reward & punishment mechanism and a performance-based remuneration system that can spur employee productivity.
Fifth, all levels of the company must refer to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and provisions that have been set, orderly administration, prioritize the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), and consistent risk management.
Finally, the GMS which was attended by all SEI Directors, SEI Commissioners, all Directors, Echelon I & II of PT Len Industri (Persero) as the majority shareholder, and the President Director of PT Eltran Indonesia as the minority shareholder was closed with the reading of the GMS decision delivered by Wahyu Sofiadi as the Director of Business and Cooperation of PT Len Industri (Persero).
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Jabar Juara Talkshow: Synergy between Government and SEI for Energy Security in West Java
BANDUNG – As one of the pioneering companies of New and Renewable Energy (EBT), SEI held a Live Talkshow with K-Lite 107.1 FM Bandung and the West Java ESDM Office with the theme "Sustainable Development Through Energy Security for Welfare" on Tuesday (13/12). The talkshow, which is part of the Jabar Juara program, took place at the SEI office.
The talkshow, which can be accessed via the Youtube channel and 107.1 FM streaming radio, was moderated by Wanda Wardhani. Also present were SEI's Marketing and Business Development Director I Made Sandika Dwiantara and the Head of Energy and Mineral Resources for West Java Province Permadi Mohamad Nurhikmah as resource persons.
In accordance with the theme of the talkshow, Permadi explained that development divided into welfare, social, and environmental aspects must be considered for its sustainability into the future. Specifically in the environmental aspect and the context of energy security, current energy use means that it must come from inexhaustible energy sources, one of which is solar. Based on the data, solar energy is still the most potential renewable energy in West Java to date.
Permadi emphasized that the government is also involved in campaigning for the use of Rooftop PLTS. This is the synergy between the government, the PLTS industry players and the community that is being echoed together.
"Of course we strongly encourage the community to use this Rooftop PLTS. The Governor of West Java has also issued a circular so that regional government offices can implement Rooftop PLTS," explained Permadi.
I Made Sandika added that SEI has also contributed a lot to help government programs. Not only in West Java, but spread almost throughout Indonesia through the installation of PLTS. Starting from a small scale such as residential, to a large scale such as Independent Power Producer (IPP).
On the other hand, many questions came in via Youtube live chat and WhatsApp K-Lite as a form of enthusiasm from viewers and listeners. The questions also varied from renewable energy utilization strategies, PLTS potential in West Java, to how to order and install PLTS which made the talk show more interactive. Not a few listeners and viewers were finally interested in using Rooftop PLTS in their homes.
At the end of the talk show, Made invited listeners and viewers to try installing Rooftop Solar Power Plants, both industrial and residential. This is the simplest implementation to support energy security that starts from our commitment as citizens of West Java.
"The industrial sector can also use this Solar Power Plant according to its needs. This is in order to support Net Zero Emission 2060 and also support West Java as the province that is most committed to implementing a 23% energy mix in 2025. We are ready to support the West Java government in implementing the Solar Power Plant itself."
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Japanese Company Kanematsu KGK Visits SEI for Cooperation in Building 10 MWp Koba Solar Power Plant
BANDUNG – The Board of Directors of SEI and SENEKO received a visit from PT Aura Energi Primanusa and Kanematsu KGK Corp. at the SEI Office on Tuesday (29/11). PT Aura Energi Primanusa itself is a renewable energy power plant development company, while Kanematsu KGK Corp. is a Japanese company engaged in the sales of machine tools, industrial machinery, energy related machinery, and peripheral equipment. The meeting during this visit discussed the plan for cooperation in the construction of the Koba PLTS located in Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.
This visit was motivated by the plan for cooperation in the construction of the 10 MWp Koba PLTS with the Japanese government. The Koba PLTS involving SEI and JTE as a Consortium, and SENEKO as a company established for the plan to build the Koba PLTS Project, PT Aura Energi Primanusa and Kanematsu KGK were also involved as consultants for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) from the Japanese Government.
During this visit, several parties present were General Manager of Kenamatsu KGK Mr. Nagawa, Manager of Kanematsu KGK Mr. Kusu, Representative of Kanematsu Indonesia Mr. Arif Wibowo, President Director of PT Aura Mr. Yamamoto, accompanied by Director of PT SENEKO Ronggo Sulistyo, Commissioner of SENEKO Hadi Siswantoro, Director of Engineering and Operations of SEI Fajar M. Falah, Director of Development and Business of SEI I Made Sandika, and General Manager of Business Development of SEI Kurniawan Imam Ghozali.
In addition to visiting the SEI office, the group also reviewed the Len solar module fabrication located in the PT Len Industri (Persero) office area. The group was explained how solar module production is carried out at Len with quality according to standards. This visit also provided an overview that the renewable energy industry in Indonesia, especially PLTS, has high potential and a positive trend. Len and SEI are pioneering companies in the solar energy sector that have consistently supported the progress of EBT in Indonesia. It is hoped that the cooperation that will be established can run smoothly until the planned project can be implemented properly. The construction of PLTS Koba is able to provide benefits for electricity needs for the surrounding area, contribute to reducing carbon emissions, and increase carbon credit according to the world's carbon mix target.