Category: News
Talkshow and Institutional Visit, SEI Provides Insights on EBT for LPDP Scholarship Recipients Batch 195 & 196
BANDUNG – As one of the leading scholarship institutions in Indonesia, LPDP, which is under the Ministry of Finance, conducted an Institutional Visit and Live Talkshow with PT Surya Energi Indotama in order to provide preparation for the Departure of scholarship recipients Batch 195 & 196 which took place on Wednesday (30/11) in a hybrid manner.
Opened at 09.00 via zoom meeting, participants directly witnessed the virtual Institutional visit to the SEI Office accompanied by SEI President Director Bambang Iswanto and Director of Engineering and Operations Fajar Miftahul Falah. During the visit, participants were invited to tour the SEI office while introducing various PLTS applications implemented at the SEI Office. After the visit, participants began to listen to the Live Talkshow from I Made Sandika Dwiantara as the main speaker and Director of SEI Business Development. Also present online was Dwilarso as the Director of LPDP Scholarships.
I Made Sandika explained to the participants about SEI General Information, project portfolios that have been widely spread throughout Indonesia, PLTS systems that can be provided by SEI, and Indonesia's enormous potential in developing New and Renewable Energy.
The enthusiasm of the participants was very evident from the many participants who asked questions in the question and answer session. The talk show hosted by Moderator Resna was even more interactive and informative. The various questions included the level of effectiveness of solar modules, investment costs, the contribution of PLTS in reducing carbon emissions in a building, to the discussion of the G20 Summit on renewable energy investment.
Furthermore, I Made Sandika conveyed that he hoped that with this provision, LPDP scholarship recipients could gain more insight and views regarding the potential of New and Renewable Energy from all educational backgrounds. He also hoped that later the scholarship recipients could return to their homeland and help build the nation with the innovations they created.
"Don't forget for the participants to come back and contribute to advancing Indonesia. Don't forget that," he said.
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PT Len Board of Commissioners Visits Nusa Penida Hybrid PLTS at 2022 Monitoring and Evaluation
BALI - As one of the annual routine agendas, the Board of Commissioners of PT Len Industri (Persero) conducted Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) activities in 2022 to the project sites of each of Len's subsidiaries. This is done in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises PER-01/MBU/2021 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG).
This time, the Board of Commissioners had the opportunity to visit one of SEI's projects, namely the Hybrid PLTS located in Nusa Penida Bali. This project is a collaboration between SEI and PT Pertamina Power and Hitachi which is also one of the showcases of New and Renewable Energy at the G20 event.
This 4.2 MWp Hybrid PLTS is a project owned by PT Indonesia Power. SEI is trusted as the EPC responsible for the design, construction, and operation of the PLTS. This power plant, which combines solar and diesel energy, is capable of producing 6,387 MWh or equivalent to the needs of 3,000 homes.
The Monev agenda was attended by Bambang Kusharto, Rindoko Dahono, Helvi Yuni Moraza and Dean Arlsan as the Board of Commissioners of PT Len. The monev agenda was also accompanied by the entire SEI Board of Directors, namely SEI President Director Bambang Iswanto, Director of Marketing and Business Development I Made Sandika Dwiantara and Director of Engineering & Operations Fajar Miftahul Falah.
The board of commissioners greatly appreciates the Nusa Penida Hybrid PLTS project "The Nusa Penida Hybrid PLTS project is an extraordinary project. In addition to meeting the energy supply in Nusa Penida with Hybrid, the project terrain there is also quite difficult because of the difficult location and hard rocks. With all the difficulties that exist, SEI can complete it well and according to the specified time frame." Rindoko said.
As a subsidiary of Len, SEI is expected to be able to compete to become a trusted renewable energy company and have global competitiveness, especially in Solar Power Plant (PLTS) products.
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SEI Trusted to Provide Training to Lecturers in BMTI BBPPMPV Program
BANDUNG – Several lecturers from various universities conducted training and Industrial Internships with SEI in the Upskilling and Reskilling Program for Industrial Standard Vocational Lecturers in 2022 Installation of Module Stands and Electricity for Off Grid PLTS. This program was implemented by the Center for Development and Quality Assurance of Vocational Education in the Field of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (BBPPMPV BMTI) for the period 19 October – 12 November 2022.
This joint training with SEI was carried out for 5 days from Monday (7/11) to Friday (11/11) with various materials presented. Starting from making technical drawings, using measuring instruments and tools, determining the area of PLTS, determining the allocation of HR for PLTS projects, K3 in PLTS, to field studies. The delivery of the material was delivered directly by M. Ihsan Atama, Fauzan Randibarnas, Wishnu Wijayanto, and M. Ridho Mafaza as speakers.
This program aims to develop the understanding and skills of the Lecturers, especially in the field of PLTS electricity which will later become the output of the creation of a Post-training Follow-up Plan (RTL) to be implemented in their respective campuses.
"The impression of participating in the training here with SEI is that, thank God, our material has become more complete. Previously, we had received it from BMTI, but it is more complete here because here we are working directly. We know in terms of the field and what the projects in the field are like. We found out after coming to SEI," said Erfiana, one of the training participants and a Lecturer at Dian Nusantara University.
The total number of participants in this training was 12 people who were divided into 2 teams. The teams that this time participated in the training with SEI were Lecturers from Mercu Buana University Jakarta, Dian Nusantara University Jakarta, Gunakarya Indonesia Polytechnic Bekasi, Bandung State Polytechnic, and TEDC Cimahi Polytechnic.
The training, which is a collaboration and good cooperation between SEI and BBPPMPV BMTI, is real evidence in order to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia, especially in understanding in the field of Solar Power Plants (PLTS). It is hoped that people in Indonesia can care more about the environment by consistently using new renewable energy, especially PLTS.
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Zero Investment Scheme Increasingly Popular, SEI and Polyfin Sign PLTS Developer Contract
SUMEDANG – In accordance with SEI's ambition in 2022 to transform and develop its business towards a PLTS developer, SEI and PT Polyfin Canggih have signed a PLTS installation contract with a Developer scheme with a capacity of 3.6 MWp which is planned to be installed at the PT Polyfin Canggih factory in Sumedang Regency, West Java.
This signing was carried out by Jap Sun Hwei as Director of PT Polyfin Canggih and Bambang Iswanto as President Director of PT Surya Energi Indotama, which was symbolically represented by Krisna Aditya as GM Marketing of SEI. The signing process was also witnessed by several representatives of each company, including Nurjani as Retail Manager of SEI, Dyla Nadya and Ari Dachyar as Marketing staff of SEI, and Dadan Wihendar, Hendra Harjono, and Suganda Permana from PT Polyfin Canggih.
In this developer scheme, SEI becomes an investor and also a developer in the installation of Rooftop Solar Power Plants (PLTS) at PT Polyfin Canggih of 3.6 MWp which can still potentially grow to 6 MWp. The Zero Investment Scheme offered by SEI is actually increasingly in demand by the public after previously SEI also collaborated with IFPRO in the installation of PLTS at the Merak and Bakauheni Executive Terminals. Through this scheme, industry can enjoy the benefits of PLTS without having to spend money up front. All burdens are borne by SEI as the PLTS Developer, and beneficiaries only need to pay for the benefits of electricity production every month with electricity rates that are lower than conventional electricity.
Hendra Harjono from the Polyfin representative said that with the installation of PLTS with a capacity of 3.6 MWp, it is hoped that significant savings can be obtained, coupled with the zero investment system from the developer scheme that makes it easier for Polyfin.
"Other industrial sectors are expected to support this EBT Movement by installing PLTS, because our abundant solar energy would be a shame if it was not utilized," said Hendra.
The signing of this contract is a form of continuation of PT Polyfin's visit to PT Len Industri (Persero) to review the solar module fabrication and to SEI in order to discuss the plan for cooperation in installing PLTS on September 9, 2022. After a long process, finally PT Polyfin Canggih, which is one of the largest companies in the convection sector in Indonesia, has given SEI the trust to develop the use of PLTS together. With this collaboration, the installation of PLTS at Polyfin will become SEI's largest portfolio in the installation of Rooftop PLTS with the Developer scheme.
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UNS Visit to Len and SEI Discusses Potential Cooperation in the Field of New and Renewable Energy
BANDUNG – As one of the New and Renewable Energy companies in Bandung, PT Len Industri (Persero) and PT Surya Energi Indotama are the companies visited by the Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University in the context of Research and Development/Manufacturing of Solar Panels at PT Len and also Discussion related to the development and opportunities for EBT cooperation at PT SEI.
The visit, which was attended by 14 Lecturers and 12 Laboratory Assistants (Aslab), was chaired by Prof. Muhammad Nizam ST, MT, Ph.D who is also a Professor Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, especially Electrical Engineering. The initial agenda of the Solar Panel Manufacturing visit which took place at PT Len accompanied by Alex Sitohang and the team aimed for students and lecturers to be able to see firsthand the production site, process, flow and output of the Solar Module Fabrication.
The next agenda is a company visit and discussion related to the development of renewable energy which will take place at SEI. Also present were Bambang Iswanto as the President Director of SEI, Kurniawan Imam as the General Manager of Business Development, and Kharisma Gautama as the Engineering Design Manager.
The renewable energy discussion that was discussed included the development of lithium batteries, Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) and Electronic Vehicles. In addition to discussions related to business development, UNS also hopes for Human Resource Cooperation between the two parties such as student internship programs, and SEI which is expected to be a guest lecturer at the Electrical Engineering Study Program at any time. In this meeting, both parties enthusiastically hoped for follow-up cooperation in further meetings related to the development of technology and products that could be joint research.
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Together with IESR and ISA, Echoing the Spirit of Solar Energy in Indonesia
JAKARTA - The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) is once again holding a seminar on the development of solar energy in Indonesia. IESR is collaborating with the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in this event, which will be held on Thursday (27/10). Held at the Mandarin Oriental Jakarta in a hybrid manner, this event carries the theme "Shine Bright: Advancing G20 Solar Leadership." The theme was chosen because it is in line with the focus of Indonesia's presidency in this year's G20, which has raised many issues of renewable energy.
Opened by Arifin Tasrif as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources who attended online, Arifin expressed his appreciation to IESR and ISA for holding this event. In addition, Arifin also said that to implement the big goal in developing Solar PV, contributions from many parties are needed, not only from the government, business actors, and solar panel developers, but also from customers, both in the commercial and industrial sectors.
Executive Director of IESR, Fabby Tumiwa, said that this seminar was also a launching event for the Indonesia Solar Energy Outlook (ISEO) 2023 with various hopes that were initiated. "We do hope that publication (ISEO) could support Indonesia's stakeholders and policy makers to achieve solar PV deployment soon and for the future," said Fabby. Currently, IESR is trying to be a party that bridges ambition and reality in advancing the PLTS industry in Indonesia. Monitoring the declaration of the 2.3 GW PLTS target in 2023, which is still at 0.2 GW in 2022.
As a follow-up to the 2022 Indonesia Solar Summit (ISS) which was held last April, this event was also filled with High-level dialogue and Talkshow. Also present were various stakeholders and policy makers. Starting from ministries and related government agencies, BUMN, the Indonesian Solar Energy Association (AESI) and other related associations, international institutions, financing institutions, industrial and commercial sectors, embassies, renewable energy development companies, and EPC PLTS. The event was closed with the expression of hope that events like this should continue, not only because of the G20 agenda. It is hoped that the entire community, especially those present at the event, can be aware of the importance of using new renewable energy, especially solar power in overcoming energy problems and global warming that threaten. The invitation to use Rooftop PLTS continues to be echoed so that more people are educated and inspired to switch to new renewable energy.
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SEI Opens Investment Opportunities Through West Java Investment Summit 2022
BANDUNG – This year's West Java Investment Summit (WJIS) will be held again with the theme "Green Investment: Food Security & Renewable Energy" on 5-6 October 2022. Held at the Convention Hall of the Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung, the event organized by the West Java Provincial Government and the West Java Representative Office of Bank Indonesia seeks to accommodate investment potential in West Java.
Through WJIS 2022, SEI participates in offering various opportunities for project cooperation or investment in the Renewable Energy sector, especially Solar PV in West Java to investors, business people, financial institutions, and the government. There are several types of large projects offered, ranging from Public Street Lighting Infrastructure, Solar Rooftop Power Plant, Ice Maker & Cold Storage Power Plant, Vannamai Shrimp Farm Solar Power Plant, Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant, and Telecommunication Solar Power Plant.
"We hope that this meeting can be an opportunity for us to cooperate in various projects in the field of Renewable Energy System, especially in West Java," said I Made Sandika, Director of Marketing and Business Development of SEI.
At this event, the Governor of West Java said that WJIS 2022 took the theme "Green Investment Food Security and Renewable Energy" in accordance with the hopes of the President of the Republic of Indonesia for all stakeholders to find solutions to the potential food crisis and energy crisis. "This is West Java's answer, we have the arrival of technology, the arrival of capital investment to build West Java in the two sectors. The total value of the projects offered in this forum is IDR 59 trillion, in the green energy and food sectors," he said.
As a pioneer of renewable energy providers in West Java, SEI did not miss the opportunity to open cooperation in this event. Several agencies offered to conduct 1 on 1 meetings either during the event or after the event was over. In addition to filling presentations in the main room, SEI also opened a booth stand to campaign for the use of rooftop solar power plants among the community.
SEI carries the mission and spirit of utilizing renewable energy to be jointly utilized in West Java and in Indonesia. This opportunity is an opportunity to go further to realize the vision of Indonesia Net Zero Emission in 2060.
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SEI Explores Cooperation with Maros Regency Government, South Sulawesi
BANDUNG – The SEI office is always crowded with various parties who come to collaborate. Last Tuesday (4/10), it was the turn of the Maros Regent and his entourage to come to the SEI office to fulfill an invitation to explore cooperation between SEI and the Maros Regency Government, South Sulawesi.
This collaboration is an opportunity for SEI to provide benefits and a total solution from the use of Solar Panels as a producer of environmentally friendly clean energy. Moreover, the use of new renewable energy in Maros is still very minimal. This was expressed by the Head of the Maros PU Department, A Muetazam. "As an illustration, the current condition in Maros is still not using much new renewable energy or solar panels."
From these conditions, SEI sees the potential for cooperation that can be done. Starting from the creation of Solar PJU, Solar Rooftop in government offices, PV Roof in government hospital facilities, to Ice Maker and Cold Storage Solar Power Plant which is now a new business product of SEI. Maros Regent, H.A.S. Chaidir Syam sees that there is a lot of potential that can be done together with SEI, starting from the application of solar panels in coastal areas to the mountains. The benefits will also be very much felt by the people of Maros. "The community will also be very happy. They can enjoy the electricity savings from this PLTS," said Chaidir.
This meeting began with a company visit to review the solar PV application at the SEI Office. After that, it was continued with the presentation of materials, discussions, signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU was signed by the Regent of Maros, H.A.S. Chaidir Syam, and the President Director of SEI, Bambang Iswanto. Also accompanying were the Head of the Maros PU Service, A. Muetazam, Expert Staff of the Regent Alamsyah Sitaba, Director of Marketing and Business Development I Made Sandika, and other groups.
Both parties hope that this meeting will establish good and beneficial cooperation for the development of new and renewable energy in Indonesia, especially in Maros Regency.
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Supporting Climate Change Mitigation with Clean Energy, SEI Present at the 46th IPA Convention & Exhibition
JAKARTA – The 46th IPA Convention & Exhibition was successfully held on 21-23 September 2022. Held at the Jakarta Convention Center, the largest Oil & Gaz Exhibition in Indonesia is always crowded with visitors.
This year, SEI participated in the exhibition organized by the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) by opening an exhibition booth in the “Green Pavilion” area. This area is filled with selected companies that are considered to be able to represent Green Companies from the portfolio and products offered.
In accordance with the advantages possessed by SEI, at this exhibition SEI promotes the use of solar panels as an environmentally friendly electricity saving solution. Through the retail business of PLTS Rooftop LenSOLAR, SEI provides convenience for people who want to use PLTS Rooftop in their homes.
In addition to opening a booth stand, a Mini Stage Assembly Hall presentation from the Director of Marketing and Business Development, I Made Sandika Dwiantara. In his presentation, I Made conveyed the potential of Solar PV in the Oil & Gas Industry, as well as in Indonesia in general.
In accordance with the theme of the 46th IPA this year, namely "Addressing The Dual Challenge: Meeting Indonesia's Energy Needs While Mitigating Risks of Climate Change", SEI hopes that SEI's participation in this exhibition can educate the public about the importance of mitigating climate change by using environmentally friendly energy. SEI is also opening cooperation offers with Oil & Gas companies for the installation of Off-Grid PLTS offshore. SEI's portfolio for the installation of Off-Grid Offshore PLTS is with Santos, in Madura.
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Visiting SEI, Wantannas Hopes West Java Can Become a Potential Source of National EBT
BANDUNG – PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI) is one of the companies visited by the Secretary General of the National Resilience Council (Wantannas) in the context of an On The Spot discussion regarding the Inventory of the Capabilities of the EBT Supporting Industry for National Energy Independence in the Framework of National Security.
This discussion was attended by Rear Admiral TNI Gregorius Agung W.D., M.Tr (Han) as the Person in Charge and also the Deputy for Assessment and Sensing of the Wantannas Secretariat General, Rear Admiral TNI Bambang E. Palgunadi, S.T., MAP. As, the Head of the Activity Working Group who is also the Bandep for the National Strategic Environment Deputy for Assessment and Sensing of the Wantannas Secretariat General, Colonel Sus Drs. H. Nurofik as the Secretary of the Activity, Colonel Laut (S) Darmansyah Nasution, Colonel Sus Drs. H. Ahmad Yani, and Ari Rahmadi Ph.D., as members of the Wantannas team.
Also present were Director of Technology & Acting Director of Business Strategy and Portfolio of PT Len Industri (Persero) Tazar Marta Kurniawan, SVP Technology & Research Development of PT Len Center Vicky Gitasiswaya, GM IRCC PT Len Emma Sri Sakti, Director of Marketing and Business Development of PT SEI I Made Sandika Dwiantara, GM Marketing and Sales of PT SEI Krisna Aditya, GM Engineering of PT SEI Eric Agustian and other staff who accompanied the visit.
One of the discussion agendas discussed was about how to optimize New Renewable Energy sources so that they are no longer viewed as commodities alone, but as drivers of economic needs amidst the storm of Fuel Oil (BBM) which is currently a problem in Indonesia. In this case, the government is trying to create energy equality and energy security through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that have been echoed.
The visit also discussed how West Java is one of the regions that has a very large potential in the utilization of new renewable energy, both from natural resources such as Geothermal, wind, solar, and waterfalls, and energy resources from industrial products from the solar panel industry, batteries, and micro hydro industry. Wantannas hopes that the potential in West Java and also the solar module manufacturing owned by Len must continue to develop its existence so that it can become a source of national potential so that in the future we can reduce dependence on fossil energy.